A.A.Spilman (
sah@kaznet.kz)The Accident Prevention of Work With Generators Axion (Spin) Field
In itself, in general, axion field not harmful not useful, we have own axion
field ourselves, but there are a change under action of generators can result
ours own axion field and in illness here. Therefore:
- At designing axion
generators, don't take a great interest in large powers and sizes;
- The
experimenter owes (above all, ourselves) to be able to see or to feel axion
- The experimenter should be able to supervise a condition own axion
field and to be able to restore its damages, and also it is desirable to have
friend which can assist in control and correction axion field of the
- Do not experiment in places of constant presence of the
people, animal, and foodstuff;
- Generator and the subjects fallen in a field
of its action, are capable to save induced axion field long after time (from
several hours about some weeks), therefore do not store them at itself under
"cushion" (and at the mother-in-law too) and don't carry them in pockets.
The character of activity of generators (is especial of passive resonators) axion field and character of their effect on the experimenter, in many respects depends on a mental condition and style of thinking of the latter, therefore carefully plan experiment both banish a bad think and emotion from a head.