Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The optical generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" with cross by EM-fields

The most effective work of optical generators of "axion field" is reached in designs with the unidirectional movement of pseudo-charges a proton's components. Thus two variants are possible:




1) Interaction through passing merge of separate components of "axion fields" (see Fig.1), components with a positive electrical pseudo-charge 1 and components with a negative electrical pseudo-charge 2;
2) Interaction through counter short circuit components of axion field 4 (see Fig.2) with a negative electrical pseudo-charge 2 of proton P1 with a component of "axion field" with a positive electrical pseudo-charge 1 proton P2 (see. N2/99).



But, is most probable and the variant is effective shown on Fig.3.
Where 3 - incorporated CHANNEL is a component of protons with the unidirectional movement of pseudo-charges 4, and 5 - direction of a light flow of excitation of "axion field" in the generator.

For this variant there is a problem of management of a direction of formation of the CHANNEL and its stabilization. Vector potential and magnetic field do not suit this purpose. And with the assistance of an electrical field rather not simple to reach locking of the CHANNEL in ring structures necessary for effective work of the generator. But it is a problem can solve, using focusing action of a Poyting vector in the crossed electromagnetic fields.

On Fig.4 the optical generator is shown of "axion field " with cross by EM-fields in section . And on Fig.5 a side view.




Where 1 - a constant magnet, 2 - a copper plate tinned by tin (positive electrode), 3 - optical fibre, 4 - an aluminium ring (negative electrode), 6 - a light source.


In the given design the electrical field between electrodes 2 and 4 directed perpendicularly to a magnetic field so, a Poyting vector is directed along an optical fibre 3 on a direction of a light flow. The basic generated beam of "axion field" is directed upwards (on Fig.4) and there is a small petal downwards.

But the part of radiation leaves through poles of magnets along a magnetic field. This loss can be reduced by increasing heterogeneity of an electrical field, changing a configuration of electrodes 2 and 4, or it is possible to increase heterogeneity of magnetic field by adding ferromagnetic film 5 (see Fig.6).

Such generator has the large efficiency of generation. And "axion field" has large density and is perceived unusually a little. Probably, the "axion field" of such quality can appreciable affect to electrical conductivity of metals.

Changing a voltage on electrodes 2 and 4 the resonant change of intensity of "axion field" and its quality is observed. Thus, the voltage between electrodes 2 and 4, should be equal or less:

U <= y^2*(e/m)*B^2/3


y - distance between electrodes 2 and 4;
B - induction of a magnetic field;
e - electrical charge of a proton;
m - mass of a proton.


The described design reminds a design of the magnetron without resonators. If optical fibre replace with a flow of light to a flow of electrons in vacuum, probably it is possible to excite generation of "axion field" in walls of the "magnetron's" chamber.

Interestingly - what properties can get nucleuses of atoms (ions) if we will use them instead of electrons in such "magnetron"? And if to fill the "magnetron's" chamber by plasma, whether we can receive analogue of a lightning ball, or will the character of nuclear fusion of nucleuses change?


The author expresses the gratitude to Alexander Sboev from Tomsk city for his technical assistance!



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