From FEIS for Silver Fire Recovery Project
-- July, 1988
Key Indicator - Total Organic Matter Retained On Site
Total organic matter (TOM) has been selected as the key indicator for the issue of site productivity. Categories of TOM for any site include 'above ground' trees, shrubs, and herbs; "on ground" duff, litter, and dead wood; and "below ground" soil organic matter and roots. The above ground organic matter is the single most indicative factor that is affected by timber harvest, fuels treatment, and reforestation, and is also the component that can be most easily managed and monitored. Fuels treatment and reforestation along with timber harvest offer methods to manage large and small woody materials on
site and the means to monitor the decomposition
and value of this material over time.
Sustainable productivity of forests
in the northwestern United States is an emerging issue and concern.
Processes by which organic and mineral components and their associated
nutrients are stored, cycled, and lost from forest ecosystems
have been documented by Harvey and others (1980; 1987). Zinke
and others (1982) have documented the close association between
organic matter and nutrients and the losses of nitrogen, phosphorus,
magnesium, and potassium from the forest ecosystem by intensive
management. Work in both the United States and Australia (McColl
and Powers, 1984; Squires and others, 1985) documents that
productivitv may be reduced for one or more rotations when significant
losses of soil organic matter, nitrogen, and sulfur accompany
mechanical site preparation and fuels treatment. Experimental
work in Australia suggests that litter and logging residues maintain
forest productivity in the second rotation at the first rotation
level. This work by Squires and others (7985) shows that residues
serve as a mulch to enhance water storage, keep weeds down, and
retain nutrients. For whole tree harvest of western hemlock,
Sachs and Sollens (1986) found a linear decline of soil organic
matter accompanying successive rotations. In another study of
whole tree harvest, Kimmins (1977) found that losses of nutrients
and organic matter are significant, and that the value of organic
matter as a sink for nutrient capital becomes more important as
the rates of removal approach the rates of replacement.
Losses of nutrients that accompany timber
harvest followed by prescribed fire is a concern and is being
monitored in the Pacific Northwest Region (Little and Klock,
1985). Their study shows that care must be used in yarding
unmerchantable material (YUM) and in prescribed burning if we
are to save nitrogen, sulfur, duff, litter, and woody residues
for the next rotations. Boyer and Dell (1980), in a research
summary of the effects of fire on soils following timber harvest
in the northwestern U.S., show the strong relationship between
residual organic matter and the availability of nutrients and
moisture. Other research by Amaranthus and Perry (1987; In
Press) in southwestern Oregon shows a decline in mycorrhizal
activity and seedling survival associated with high losses of
organic matter following timber harvest and slash burning. Freedman
(1981) has
shown that site quality decreases with
the combined and interactive effects of fire and harvest.
Organic matter, including large and
small woody material, soil organic matter, and forest floor litter
has been shown to be the most important factor in maintenance
of site quality of western coniferous forest ecosystems (Harvey
and others, 1987; Kimmins, 1977). Methods by which it may
be measured and managed in forest ecosystems have been identified
by Maser and Trappe (1984) and Brown (1985).
Organic Matter Categories
Total organic matter (TOM) for
a typical site before the fire, averaged 367 tons per acre, with
a range of 220 to 515 tons per acre. For clarification,
TOM was arbitrarily divided into three categories: "Above
ground" herbs, shrubs, and trees; "on ground" duff,
litter, and dead wood; and "below ground" roots and
soil organic matter.
Above ground components - 57 percent
of total organic matter (210 tons)
Pre-fire weight of above ground organic
matter was estimated to be 210 tons per acre based on average
tree, shrub, and herb stocking on the burned area. For the tree
weight, tops and branches were estimated at 20%, boles at 60%,
and roots at 20% of the total (Wenger, 1984; Maxwell and
Ward, 1980). Using standard weights for Douglas-fir wood,
it was determined that average pre-fire tree weight was 200 tons
per acre with a range of 125 to 375 tons. The weight of shrubs
and herbs was estimated at 10 tons per acre with a range of 5
to 15 tons using methods of Gholz and others (1979) and with help
of fuels specialists. Fire reduced the above ground material
by 10 (5%), 20 (10%), and 40 (20%) tons per acre for low, moderate,
and high intensity burned areas.
On ground components - 6
percent of total organic matter (22 tons)
Pre-fire duff, litter, and dead woody
materials were estimated at 22 tons per acre, with a range of
1 1 to 33 tons from the Regional Photo Series (Maxwell and
Ward, 1980) with verification by fuels specialists. 11
(50%), 20 (90%), and 21 (95%) tons per acre for low, moderate,
and high intensity burned areas.
Below ground components - 37
percent of total organic matter (135 tons)
Pre-fire soil organic matter averaged
85 tons per acre with a range of 80 to 90 tons, based on soil
test data. On average, there is 5 percent organic matter in the
top 12 inches of soil, with most in the top 4 inches, and a sharp
reduction in organic matter from 5 to 12 inches below the ground
surface. Fire reduced soil organic matter by 2 (2%), 4 (5%),
and 8 (10%) tons per acre for low, moderate, and high intensity
burned areas.
Pre-fire root weight was estimated to
be 50 tons per acre with a range of 25 to 75 tons. We assumed
that roots comprise 20 percent of the 210 tons of tree, shrub,
and herb mass per acre (Wenger, 1984). Fire reduced the
root mass by 3 (5%), 6 (12%), and 12 (25%) tons per acre for low,
moderate, and high intensity burned areas.
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Reductions of TOM by wild fire, log removal, and YUM/slash treatment
Figures I through 4 display distribution
of total organic matter for 8 scenarios that depict pre-fire,
post-fire, and post-fire/harvest conditions. These data present
the user an opportunity to visualize amounts of organic matter
remaining after harvest and YUM/slash treatments.
Figure 5 shows reductions of
total organic matter for incremental increases in bole removal
and YUM/slash treatments. Columns 1 and 2 display increasing
bole removal and reduction of TOM starting at 22, 14, and
7 percent post-fire reduction levels for high, moderate,
and low intensity burns. Columns 3 and 4 show YUM/slash
losses and the cumulative reduction of TOM for bole removal and
YUM/slash treatments.
Reduction of TOM Reduction of TOM Cumulative
Bole with Bole from YUM/Slash Reduction
Removal* Removal Treatment
of TOM
HIGH 0%(post-fire) 22%
20% 30% 2% 32%
Fire 40% 39% 4% 43%
Loss 60% 47% 6% 53%
22% 80% 55% 9% 64%
100% 63% 11% 74%
MOD 0%(post-fire) 14%
20% 22% 2% 24%
Fire 40% 31% 4% 35%
Loss 60% 39% 6% 45%
14% 80% 47% 9% 56%
100% 55% 11% 66%
LOW 0%(post-fire) 7%
20% 15% 2% 17%
Fire 40% 24% 4% 28%
Loss 60% 32% 6% 38%
7% 80% 40% 9% 49%
100% 48% 11% 59%
Range of 0 to 1 00 percent bole removal
corresponds to 0 to 60 thousand board feet per acre.
Organic matter losses would directly
effect soil chemical and physical properties. Losses of organic
materials would expose mineral soil to erosion. Runoff would
increase where puddled and crusted, bare mineral soil occurs.
Available soil water would be reduced as large and small organics
are lost by decay and erosion. Soil microflora and microfauna
types and species would shift along with changes in soil temperature
and in soil chemistry. Nutrient storage and release would decrease
as organics are reduced or removed. Similarly, on-site nutrients
including, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium would
be reduced with loss of organics. Indirectly and in combination
these properties would affect productivity of all forest resources.
Certainly, the effects would vary with soil types, plant associations
and ecosystem processes, but change would occur. Whether the
changes would measureably affect productivity in the near-term
or long-term depends on inherent site quality. On low site land
that has low organic and
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nutrient reserves, the effect may be
observable and measureable within a rotation or less. For high
site land that has large organic and nutrient reserves, the effects
may be less easily detected or perhaps immeasureable in the near-term.
(It is important to point out here the two "functional"
pools of organic matter. The soil pool is the critical short-term
concern following fire because it stabilizes nutrients and microbes
and thereby provides the focus for stand regrowth. The above
ground pool represents a longer-term supply of large and small
woody material, which has a quite different function in the soil,
supplying water storage, sites for nitrogen fixation, and an array
of biological functions, most of which are active for many years.)
It is for the uncertain relationships
between organic matter and productivity, that we are reluctant
to assign precise amounts of organic matter for retention during
timber harvest. Uncertainty, however lies not with absence of
a relationship, but with the strength of the relationship and
the quality and quantity of organic residues to be saved on site.
By reserving organic matter supplies today we would preserve
options until research solidifies the ties between organics retained
now and productivity in the future.
Retention of woody residues provides
an opportunity to mitigate organic losses and to maintain potential
productivity. In that biologic activity centers on the organic
residues, we should strive to retain materials that would supply
decomposition products for 5 to 250 years. Further, there is
a need to strike a balance between retention which would
maintain the site and that which would create unacceptable fire
risk and planting conditions (Dell and Ward, 1971; Harvey and
others, 1987). The Siskiyou National Forest Position Statement
(1987) gives guidance for retention of standing and down large
woody material following harvest. The guide indicates types and
amounts of large and small woody materials and methods
to retain them on site including:
Leave 5 to 20+ pieces of large woody
material (logs) per acre, each greater than 40 cubic feet.
Retain one cluster of 5 to 10 standing
dead or live trees per 5 to 20 acres of harvest unit.
Retain 4 to 14 standing dead or live
wildlife trees per acre.
Retain occasional uncut areas of 1 to
5 acres with dead or live trees, as centers for biological activity.
Reduce or omit YUM.
Reduce or omit fuels treatment.
Preservation of future options by saving
organic residues on site.
Maintenance of productivity of all resources
in the next 100 to 300 years.
Maintenance of nutrients from large
and small woody materials retained on site.
Maintenance of hiding cover, nesting
habitat, and food sources for wildlife.
Maintenance of soil moisture retention by large and small organic residues. Reduced soil erosion with more woody material for cover and check dams. Maintenance of soil microfloral and microfaunal activity.
Lower logging costs for limited or no YUM. Lower immediate fuels treatment costs.
Increased fire hazard for several decades.
Increased potential wildfire suppression
Loss of merchantable wood products.
Literature Cited
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