Sergey P.Fediaev
Observation Over Work of the Device "STORM GLASS"
The time of the device's invention is approximately 17-18 centuries, the most probable place - England. The inventor is unknown, probably he was certain self-taught alchemist. Who knows, maybe he had mixed substances for some purpose, but seeing, that camphor has dropped out in sediment he thought, that the solution was spoiled. After that he wanted to pour it out, but something distracted him and he forgot about it. However in some time he has looked at a jar and has seen that the solution is not in the same condition any more, then he started to make observation and paid his attention for that.
It is interesting, that though such devices already have been made in 1725 in England, nobody knows till the present days how this device works. The message about this device I have read in a magazine " Young technician for skilful hands " N1, 1989, but I paid attention to this article only in 1995.
And I had read about this device earlier in the novel "'20,000 Leagues Under the Sea " by Jules Verne, there was such device aboard of "Nautilus". I was interested by this information and I decided to make such device myself. I start to search for information about substances included in it, I tried to define a type of chemical reaction, and then I have assumed that thin fields play a role in work of the device. I came with the device to A.A. Shpilman and, before I had informed him about my guesses, I has heard from him the same assumption. How I saw, he has known about this device for a long time, but he just didn't have time to assemble it.
We have made an experience irradiating the device by the generator of "axion field" (GAF) (see. A.Shpilman "The Generator of axion field", "Free research" N3/95, N5/95, N2/96 and photos) during 5 minutes from the distance of 2 sm. We noticed that the structure of sediment has changed, it has started to dissolve partially.
In some time the device has returned to an initial condition.
Returning home, I started to carry out a series of experiments, the report about which I offer to your attention.
The description of devices and course of observations
Three devices have been made for realization of experiments - two experimental and the control one.
The composition of devices includes camphor spirit, potash saltpeter (KNH
3), chloride ammonium (NH4CL) in the ratio 4:1:1 and distilled water. The amount of substances was taken according to the information of the "Young Technician..." magazine, and it was re-count concerning 10 % solution of camphor. Resulting solution was divided into two parts and it was filled up into devices 1 and 2; the control device 3 was made earlier and the volume of the resulted sediment in it was more, than in experimental devices. However the structure of deposits keeps similarity.Till 26.11.95 an irradiation was made by GAF and by photoflash two times a day in the morning and in the evening, at that the devices varied.
In the morning the first one has irradiated by GAF, and then the second device - by the photoflash, in the evening - conversely.
After 26.11.95 the irradiation by the photoflash was stopped, because the picture did not change, in the case there were not any changes of weather. The beginning of observation data - till 2.12.95. After stopping of irradiation by photoflash one of devices (N367) was used as control one in addition to basic control device. The main control device was assembled on one the basis of hygrometer (the device for definition of humidity), consisting from dry and moistened thermometers.
Results of "S.G." observations and brief characteristic of weather were also registered in the table 2 times a day. The phases of the moon also were registered in the diagrams and the tables. In November, after finishing of observations, the rose of winds with the average sketches of the most typical indications of the "S.G." was made. The indications were distributed concerning the direction of wind, and also concerning the state of the atmosphere's conditions. The indications of the control device were shown in the table concerning the directions of the wind. Till 03.12.95 irradiation by GAF was made during 5 minutes from distance of 2 sm., after 03.12. - during 10 minutes.
Results of Observations
The observations for the control "S.G." was made from 20.10.95 to 06.12.95 The experiments were carried out from 02.11.95 to 06.12.95. However the complete information about the work of the device we could not receive and the experiments would be continued. Nevertheless it was possible to find out the following: the condition of devices is characterized by seven degrees of camphor's crystallization:
1. Friable porous mass pointed to calm clear weather.
2. The flakes were
characteristic for southern and east winds at dry cloudy weather first and for
western, southwest at less-cloud and clear weather with strengthening of a
"Mass" |
"Flakes" |
"Needle" |
3. Crystals in the shape of needles took place at prevalence of southern and
western winds, cloudy and overcast weather with strengthening of a wind.
Crystals as a shape of small fern's leaves occured at northern and western
strengthening winds, carrying atmospheric precipitation or frost.
"Leaf" |
"Twig" |
"Starlet" |
The indications of "STORM GLASS" |
5. The large branchy crystals like palm-leaves were met only 2 times in
experimental devices. It happened on the 2-nd and on the 11-th of November. In
the first case there were snow showers, on the 11-th of November there was a
blizzard. In the second case the blizzard was for the second and third days. On
the 2-nd of November there was a first quarter of the moon, on 11-th - full
6. Starlets. It seems that leaves were the increased beams of a star,
they have similar structure. The size of starlets were from 0,1 to 0,7 mm, they
had eight beams. They took place on 20.11.95 at the clear sky, southeast wind;
on 25.10.95 - during snows with strengthening of southwest wind in the control
device and on 06.12.95 in the device ¹ 367 at less-cloud weather and southwest
strengthening wind. First two cases were during the new moon, and the third one
- during the full moon. The starlets were noted on 13.11.95 too, in the last
quarter of the moon, at a southern wind during a blizzard. The blizzard also
took place in a day. There was a snow in 7 days after 20.11.95
The indications of "STORM GLASS" |
7. Dots. They were met once in the control device during the new moon at clear weather with weak western wind. They were accompanied by "leaves" below them. For the 3-rd day it was the snow. The dots, probably, were the simple and very small starlets.
The "leaves" have dropped out in the control device on 20.11.95 during the first quarter of the moon at strong western wind and snow. Volume, occupied by them, has reached 17-18 milliliters. For the 3-rd day there was a fog, then the hoarfrost, and on 03.12.95 was the snow, on 06.12.95 temperature of air was sharply lowered. Cloudiness has sharply decreased, there were noted the stratus clouds of a high layer and iridescent circles around of the Sun.
These supervision were made on the control device basically.
At irradiation of the experimental device by the generator of axion field during 5 minutes were noted reduction of volume and more rarely - shape of crystals. Volume has decreased on 0,2-0,3 ml, and density of filling - on 10-50%. The change of the shape of crystals was noted in 8 cases. The restoration of structure occurred for 10-15 minutes after irradiation by halves. Complete restoration - for 25-30 minutes.
In December I irradiated the device during 10 minutes. Thus the changes occurred not in the upper layer as usual, but in underlying layers. Volume of a layer we conditionally consider as 1-2 ml. Thus the changes of density of sediment were more notable, instead of changes of volume. When I irradiated one device by GAF, and another one by photoflash in the beginning of experiments, there were a change of a condition of the device and fluorescence of a sediment and solution (this is earlier determined property of camphor) at an irradiation by photoflash. However, when I have removed the 2-nd experimental device further from the 1-st one, only fluorescence has kept.
This fact allows assuming that change in the device can be caused not only by axion's beam, but also by induced field.
Plan of the further researches includes a break with the purpose of complete restoration of a condition of devices. Then will be a month with 10-minute irradiation, and in the further - the variations with ratios of constituent substances and their concentration. The purpose of a new series is to change sensitivity of the device. The outcome of this experiment can result in an opportunity of detection of the induced fields. It can help to determine objectively their borders.
Camphor's properties
Camphor is monoterpene ketone, contained in etheric oils of camphor laurel, in some breeds of coniferous trees, absinthe etc. It is possible to get synthetic camphor from turpentine. The properties of synthetic camphor are similar natural one.
Camphor's crystals are colourless, with an original smell; it seems bitterish at first, and later - with freshening taste. It dissolves in the organic solvents well, but bad in water. With increase of temperature the solubility increases too. It fluoresces in ultra-violet light. It is applied in engineering as phlegmatizer of smokeless gunpowder, for manufacturinf of films, repellent
. This substance is used in medicine for stimulation for nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular actions, for abatement of muscular pain, it also can raise vigour. The properties of camphor's medical action are insufficiently investigated; there are inconsistent items of information. In small dozes the influence is imperceptible, in large dozes it has action similar with narcotic. The spasms are possible; the paralysis nervous and cardiovascular systems of mammals can be caused too. In view of inconstancy of influence this remedy undesirable for applying as a cardiostimulator, in these cases Cordiamin or Corazol work more surely.Ketones. RCOR’, class of organic compounds containing carbonyl group, >C=O, connected with two identical or different hydrocarbon radicals. It can be obtained by oxidation or dehydrogenation of secondary spirits etc. methods. The solvents, for example acetone,
methylethylenketone, cyclohexanol. As the not sated compounds, ketones show activity in reactions of hydrogenation and replacement. So at hydrogenation they, at the presence of metal catalysts, attach hydrogen and turn to secondary spirits.RCOR’+H2
® RCH(OH)R’At interaction with PCl
5 the atom of oxygen is replaced on two atoms of chlorine.The terpenes, natural hydrocarbons of the formula (C
5H8)n. There are monoterpenes (n = 2), sesquialteral terpene or secviterpenes (n = 3), diterpenes (n = 4) etc. They are applied in perfumery, manufacturing of medicinal preparations, lubricant oils etc.Probably, reaction in "S.G." proceed in three stages.
1) (NH4)+Cl-+K+(NO3)-=(NH4)+(NO3)-+K+Cl-
2) (C5H8)2-+O2-+K+Cl-+(NH4)+(NO3)-=(C5H8)2+Cl-(NO3)++K+(OH)-+(NH3)0
3) (C5H8)2ClNO3+KOH+NH3=(C5H8)2OCl+KNO3+H2
(Continuation in
N3/96)Translation of M. Dvoretskaya
We express our gratitude to mr. James D Mann for taking part in preparing of this article.