Escape Claws

by Barry Carter

Created: June 23, 2014


Gravity is attractive. Magnetic fields are also attractive, though they can be repulsive to each other.

The law of attraction is somewhat universal but there is also a way to escape from the gravitational and magnetic claws that hold us to the earth. I suspect that are several ways we can escape these claws. One way might be to get the earth to pull it's gravitational claws in. I think that this happens when water levitates to the top of the tallest trees on earth and is emitted from the pine needles.

Here is something that I posted, to the WhiteGold list, about levitation in March of 2012:

Don Duke's plant assays showed that many of the plant and animal tissues with the most ORMUS in them were associated with salt water. These include shark cartilage, Ourco Nigel, Maritime Pine Bark (Pycnogenol), ginco extract and Blue-green Algae. Since "94 percent of life on Earth is aquatic"

and "Plant life in the ocean is very important to the survival of all parties involved. Plants are the basis of the food chain for almost all animals, mainly excluding those found in the deeper regions of the waters where there is very little to no sun light available to plants (although it could be argued that the only way the bacteria could survive to chemosynthesize is by "breathing" the oxygen supplied by plants further up in the ocean).":

and since ocean plant life is much more common toward the surface of ocean water, it seems reasonable that they are supported by an abundance of ORMUS elements near the ocean surface.

Furthermore, in each of his lectures, David Hudson proposed that the ORMUS elements are biological superconductors. He cites several scientific papers that support this claim. He obviously believes that some of the ORMUS elements are superconductors because they levitate in magnetic fields. There is evidence that biological superconductors also levitate in magnetic fields. Here is a link to a page on insect chitin levitation:

The bottom video on this page is quite a good illustration of biological superconductive behavior. Notice how similar the "jumping" behavior of the insect shell is to the jumping behavior of the jumping gold that Jim made at:

Also see a similar superconductive behavior in the ORMUS white powder that Charles Dragoo made from Azomite:

Here is a link to something I wrote on this topic a few years ago:

Here is a sound file on this topic:

And here is a link to a translation of Victor Grebennikov's original chapter on levitation:

If insects have the ORMUS minerals in their shells, then these insects must have gotten these minerals from plants.

Have you ever wondered how water can get to the top of the tallest tree on earth:

"The tallest tree in the world is a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), named Hyperion after a person in Greek mythology. He is no less than 115.55 m (379.1 feet) tall!"

Capillary action is not good for more than 30 feet. I would like to suggest that the same ORMUS elements that allow insect shells to levitate also help the tree sap to levitate to the top of a 379.1 foot tall tree. If this hypothesis is true, we might expect that other plants would grow taller when supplemented with the ORMUS minerals.


The earth was constituted by gravitational attraction of space particles. The earth's constitution probably involved a rather large portion of the ORMUS elements. This raises questions about how the levitating ORMUS elements can stick around on the earth.

Jim invented his first magnetic levitation ORMUS traps in mid 1996. Here is a link to a picture that I took of one of Jim's earliest traps:

And here is the link to a picture of the trap Jim used to concentrate ORMUS from creek water for conversion to metal:

Pictures of some of the metal Jim made from trap water are linked, near the bottom of the page, at:

Here are pictures of more metal that Jim made from trap water:

I've also shared some evidence that sea water precipitate also is repelled by magnetic fields. Here is something I wrote about this in June of 2011:

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 11:38:54 -0700
From: Barry Carter <>
Subject: Settlement Gradient

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I cleaned under my dining room table for the first time in more than a year. (There is no room on the table to dine as it is covered with stuff.) When I looked under the table, with a flashlight, I noticed that an old bottle of precipitate was sitting between the kitchen cabinets and a large, red, steel can:

Notice how the precipitate is sloped in the plastic milk bottle.

I did not do the Wet Method in this bottle. I probably did it in a wide-mouth, glass gallon bottle. I precipitated this at least a year ago and maybe four or five years ago.

I don't know whether I washed the precipitate or not. The most likely scenario is that it was precipitate that I had put in a graduated cylinder to measure the amount after it settled for a while. Here is a picture of the graduated cylinder:

Notice that the glass is clear between about 950 ml and 1600 ml. The white below 950 ml is probably due to the fact that this is where the precipitate settled to. The white above 1600 ml is probably the result of residue left as the water evaporated from the top of the uncovered graduated cylinder. If this was the source of the sloping precipitate in the gallon milk jug, it would match well with the amount, as it looks like the milk jug is about a quarter full.

If the sloping precipitate in the milk jug is what I poured out of the graduated cylinder then it is probably four or five years old and was open to the air for a couple of those years.

My favorite hypothesis is that the precipitate has moved away from the electromagnetic fields generated by my small counter-top oven and is cozying up to the red steel can which gives it shielding from the computers that are on the other side of the steel can.

Biological "superconductive" magnetic levitation is one quantum behavior that has been reported with ORMUS concentrates. Another quantum behavior is escape from sealed containers.

Here is something I wrote about this in February of 2014:

The jury is still out on the role of salt in ORMUS alchemy but I suspect that it plays a very important role. Here is a link to an article I wrote on this in January of 2007:

I suspect that salt provides a comfy home to the ORMUS diatoms or monatoms. I also suspect that all water contains a significant amount of ORMUS. Perhaps as much as one eighth of the weight of water is the ORMUS elements. If this is true, then the water itself also provides a comfy home to the ORMUS units.

When we precipitate the white stuff from sea water or sea salt dissolved in water, we get something that is about 70% magnesium. I suspect that ORMUS has moved from the salt and water into a new comfy home in the magnesium precipitate.

It seems likely to me that the ORMUS elements, in a solid form, prefer to occupy cubic structures. Here is a quote on cubic crystal structures from Wikipedia:

"In crystallography, the cubic (or isometric) crystal system is a crystal system where the unit cell is in the shape of a cube. This is one of the most common and simplest shapes found in crystals and minerals."

Lately I have been collecting plastic bottles to store parts and tools in. Since my home workshop is in a small shed, I have been exploring ways to increase the packing density of the shelves where I store my parts and tools:

Notice how the square containers on the left store more stuff in a smaller space than the round containers on the right. Hexagonal containers also pack more tightly than round containers.

I prefer clear plastic containers to opaque containers because it is helps me to know what is inside. Labels also help but they are not always accurate. For example, in the image at:

you can see that item 1 has a label on it but it is an empty box. Items 2 are unlabeled and items 3 are containers for other stuff. The item 3 box on the left contained the item 3 on the right which is a hard drive. The hard drive contains a round disk which can store two terabytes of information. The label on the left item 3 box says that it contains a hard drive with two terabytes of capacity. The label on the right item 3 box says that it is a hard drive which has the capacity to store 2 terabytes of information.

I could store about 2000 hours of video on the 2 terabyte drive but just looking at the box that it is in, will give you no clue about what is in the videos.

If ORMUS hides out in opaque molecular boxes which are unlabeled or that don't contain what the label says, then we need to focus more on figuring out what the box contains than what the current label says. For example, the common label for water says H2O but we need to figure out what else is in the water molecule box:

We also may wish to identify what else is in other things that contain molecular boxes like salt crystals, rocks, air and biological tissue.

The shape of the molecular box and it's relative transparency may also be important and provide some clues to what is contained in it. Here is something I wrote on
August 23, 2005:

David Hudson said that the ORMUS elements are "stealth atoms". By this, he meant that they do not show up under conventional spectroscopic analysis. In his patent he claims that the reason they do not show up is because their valence electrons are all paired up so they are not available for valence bonding (i.e. chemistry). Here is the germane statement on this from Hudson's patent:

>Attempting to quantify the number of electrons remaining in an ORME is extremely difficult due to the electrons lost to oxidation, thermal treatment, and the inability, except from theory, to quantify electron pairs using electron quanta.  It is established, however, that the ORME does not have valence electrons available for standard spectroscopic analysis such as atomic absorption, emission spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy.  Moreover, x-ray fluorescence or x-ray diffraction spectrometry will not respond the same as they do with T-metals in standard analysis.

This begs the question: since there are no valence electrons on the ORMUS units, how does one extract them using chemistry?

I think that these little superconductors always have a Meissner effect but that this effect is "hidden" when they are concealed in certain places.

Jim always pointed out that the ORMUS "likes" quiet, tight places to hide out. He used this property to "catch" ORMUS between the layers of six microscope slides that were rubber banded together in a stack.

If this is true, why might ORMUS "seek" tight places?

My guess is that it seeks these tight places because the Meissner effect drives them into retreat from magnetic fields. Thus, the ORMUS in water would "seek out" the inside of icosahedral water molecules which would provide some "protection" from the magnetic fields in the environment. When salt is involved the ability of the water to "hide" the ORMUS from magnetic field is further increased. This is why I got real stupid when I first did the peroxide/HCl method without salt. The ORMUS gold came out of the water into the air without the "protection" of the salt in the water.

So, what are we doing with the chemical extractions from water or rock?

I think that we are just doing chemistry on the box that the ORMUS is hiding out in. Imagine a very slippery greased bowling ball that has no holes to hang onto. How do you pick it up? Easy, you roll it into a box and pick up the box.

I think that we are doing chemistry on the most likely hiding place for the ORMUS and the ORMUS just comes along for the ride.

Now, if you get rid of one good hiding place--water--by drying your precipitate you better be sure that you have another, better place for the ORMUS that is still hiding in the water to go or you will loose that ORMUS portion.

In various places
Hudson pointed out that the m-iridium and m-gold were the most likely to levitate in the earth's magnetic field. This would probably mean that they are also the most likely to evaporate away with the water as you dry out your precipitate.

What about the remaining magnesium precipitate?

Some ORMUS researchers believe that this is where the ORMUS likes to hang out and that if you remove the magnesium you will again loose lots of the ORMUS that does not fly away when you dry out your precipitate.

There is some indirect evidence that these hypotheses have some truth. If you dry out the ocean water precipitate it no longer has any significant benefits for plants even if it is rehydrated.

If ORMUS is naturally collected by the body in sufficient amounts that a cow or pig will have 5% dry matter weight of m-rhodium and m-iridium in its brain tissue then we can presume that the body has ways to get the most ORMUS out of food, water and the air. This might be enough for all of the benefits we seek from ORMUS if we did not do so many things to deplete it in our food, water and air.


We've got some compelling evidence that ORMUS is in salt water, rocks and the air but the jury is not yet in on how much ORMUS is in salt.

My first ORMUS experience happened when I tasted the drops of liquid which escaped from a laboratory grade Nalgene container on about
August 25, 1996. I wrote about this at:

Here is part of an email that I wrote on this topic:

From: Barry Carter <>
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 17:44:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Road Trip

I just spent three days with Jim working on ORMEs with ozone. One of Jim's mine waste treatment proposals makes note of an all-or-nothing phenomenon with ozone. He wrote:

"Ozone also commonly displays an "all or nothing" chemical reaction behavior. This means that it is often slow to react with complex organic materials until sufficient quantities are present, then it will react with a nearly instant "flash oxidization".  This type of behavior occurs when treating difficult to oxidize species of heavy metal, such as cadmium.  Thus, the concentration and quality of ozone is extremely important when treating difficult to oxidize compounds."

I am not sure that this all-or-nothing phenomenon is the operational model for the conversion to gold gas that triggered the chest pressure that these people mentioned. Here is what I think happened. As the ozone oxidizes more and more of the gold in the chloride most of the energy of the ozone goes into this initial oxidation process. When the all of the gold diatoms are oxidized it seems that "suddenly" there is ozone available to "energize" the existing gold diatoms and they start pumping up to a higher energy level at this point.

I do not have a theory that would explain how ozone can energize gold that is already diatomic but it seems that this happens.  One of the things that Jim maintains is a prime indicator of the ORME state is that the liquid starts getting quite viscous. Jim calls it snotty. When this happens the easiest way to identify it is to shake a sealed container of the gold ORME liquid and note the behavior of bubbles in the liquid.

In ordinary gold chloride the bubbles behave pretty much like they do in a jar of water; the bubbles rise quickly to the top of the liquid and pop. After we had ozoned our gold chloride sample for about twenty minutes a couple of times on Monday, we noticed that bubbles would cling to the side of the bottle and would persist if the liquid level was tilted away from them and then back to where it would cover them. This property became even more pronounced on the second and third days that we ozoned the samples.

On Tuesday we got some rhodium coated aluminum oxide pelets that were destined for use as replacements for a Ford catalytic converter. We placed a couple of cups of these pellets in a large flask and immersed them in a weak hydrochloric acid solution. Then we ozoned them over the course of a couple of hour long treatments per day for two days. After the first ozone treatment, the liquid took on a dirty brown color. By the third treatment the liquid was more of a clear orange brown.  Just before I left
Portland yesterday most of the original grey color of the metallic rhodium had washed off of the aluminum oxide pellets leaving them almost white.

Jim claims that the ORME materials like to attach themselves to aluminum oxide. He often uses aluminum oxide dessicant pellets to collect ORME vapors that might be driven off during the ozonation process. Since the aluminum oxide remains in the bottom of the flask Jim says that most of the rhodium ORMEs tend to collect in the matrix around these aluminum oxide pellets.

Yesterday we poured most of the liquid above the pellet level into a couple of 125 ml Nalgene containers. When we shook these containers the liquid looked very "snotty". Bubbles would form below the surface of the liquid and when the bottle was tipped so that these bubbles were above the surface of the liquid these bubbles persisted.

We noticed some gelatinous areas associated with the bubbles. All of the liquid seemed to have more of the consistency of oil than of water or acid. I brought these two identical samples of liquid off the top of the pellets back to
Baker City with me.

Jim has noticed that the ORME portion of this type of sample will "blow off" when exposed to the changing magnetic fields during travel. In order to shield the samples we placed them inside three nested "cookie" tins that we bought at a thrift store. (We sat on the floor of the thrift store and went through about twenty of these tins in an effort to find four that would fit one inside of another. This would make a great scene in a movie ;-) We put bubble wrap between each layer of metal so that each cookie tin was
magnetically isolated from the others.

When I got the two samples back to
Baker City I examined them and the liquid inside the containers no longer was exhibiting any of the viscosity properties that it exhibited directly before the trip to Baker City. So, either the duration of time or the changing magnetic fields moved the liquid into a less viscous state.

We also shipped another set of samples with the above mentioned cookie tin magnetic shield placed inside a disabled microwave oven. Microwave ovens are also very effective magnetic shields. I will not know how effective this additional magnetic shielding was until later.

It looks like it is possible to transport ORME materials but that they loose energy and their properties change in the process. Perhaps the solid form is more stable.

Jim claims that the best way to ingest these materials is by breathing the gas. He says that since only the highest energy form will go off as a gas, this is the form that will have the most immediate effect. I am not sure that I agree with this and believe that it is just a theory that needs to be tested. Jim says that several people who have breathed the gas coming off of some of his samples have immediately had out of body experiences.

>Also, Barry has said that the gold gas cannot be contained.  I wonder
>if Jim's ORME 'trap' could capture it?

Various ORME traps seem to capture them. The aluminum oxide pellets mentioned above, magnetic shielding, and stacked microscope slides all seem to capture or help capture the gold gas.

A couple of other items of note. During the three days that we were working with these materials, seven people were exposed to possible gold and rhodium ORME gas. Jim is the only person that noticed any psychological effects. This does not necessarily mean that they would not have happened if we had not been careful to avoid exposure to the gas. We were all being careful to avoid contact with the gas since Jim says that it makes you stupid for a while and we were all concerned that we not do anything do make ourselves stupid when we were going to be driving.

Jim showed us some rhodium pellets that he "nuked" last year. These pellets were in a clear liquid and had a fuzzy white powder surrounding them. Jim said that this particular sample had been ozoned dozens of times and that the white powder is what we can expect when we are finished ozoning our rhodium and gold samples.

We videotaped the behavior of the bubbles in the viscous liquid from the rhodium sample. If anyone has the resources to digitize video, I could send you a SVHS tape of this and other phenomena so that you could digitize it and we could share these images among ourselves.

With Kindest Regards,
Barry Carter


And here is part of something I emailed another colleague on June 14, 1997:

I recently obtained about thirty samples of materials Jim thought were interesting.  A couple of samples stand out.  (I have compiled my notes on them into a database, if you think it would be of interest to you I can send it along.)  I have  verified some of Jim's observations with observations of my own.  Jim claimed that after he "nuked" (ozonated) a sample, if he sealed the sample in a bottle and exposed the sealed bottle to a spinning magnet, often droplets of something would appear on the outside of the container on the side away from the magnetic stimulation.  I witnessed this happening.  Jim claimed the sample was rhodium and iridium from a catalytic converter, along with some gold chloride, converted to monoatomic by thirty minutes of ozonation

It was a "fresh" batch in that Jim had just nuked it immediately prior to my arival.  Presumably, it was a sample of monoatomic rhodium, gold and iridium in 25% HCl.  He had me hold the 250 ml Nalgene bottle with the sample while he moved a magnet under it.  I noticed a slight pull from the magnet.  We put the bottle down and turned our backs for about five minutes and the next time we looked at it, it had three or four clear droplets on the top.  Jim claimed that these droplets were oily, so I got one on a finger and it was indeed oily.  I tasted the tip of my finger and it tasted very pleasantly sweet.  I have tasted that same sweet taste in bottled spring water.  They both leave a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

Jim also gave me some samples of dried material in petri dishes.  Most of these dishes were taped with electricians tape to keep the lids on and the samples inside.  I put 24 of these samples in the plastic bag that the petri dishes came in and stacked them upright in the back of my car.  I drove them home (about 800 miles) and when I opened the bag I noticed that there was some liquid on the inside of the bag.  I set the bag aside until I had a chance to look at it, about 2 days.  When I went through the petri dishes I found that several of them had a clear oily liquid (about the consistency of glycerine) between the petri dishes.  This liquid had the same pleasant sweet taste.

I pipetted the liquid from between the dishes into a 2 inch by half inch clear glass vial.  I did the same with the liquid on the inside of the plastic bag.  When I pipetted the material, it was so viscous that I could not blow it back out of the pipette.  I noticed some droplets of the, presumably, same liquid on the inside of the lid of the 250 ml Nalgene container that I mentioned previously.  Assuming that this was probably the same material, I sucked a drop of it into the pipette and immediately it reduced the viscosity of the other material sufficiently that I was able to blow the rest of the pipette sample into the clear glass vial.  (When I, later, tasted the liquid from the inside of the Nalgene container lid, it tasted like acid.)  I now have a sixteenth of an inch of this liquid in the bottom of the vial.

This is confirmation of Jim's claims that the clear, "snotty" material often goes through the lids of bottles and that it "likes" to collect between layers of stuff.  Another sample, I obtained from Jim, is a stack of about 6 glass slides held together with a rubber band.  Jim claims that he uses these as an exposure meter to determine how much "monoatomic" gold gas has been released into the room.  The slide bundle I have looks like it has been dipped into some salt brine and let dry.  The stack of slides is in a taped petri dish.  By shaking the petri dish a bit, I was able to break off some of the material that was encrusting the edges of the slides.  These white to light gray flakes are mildly magnetic. As is typical of these materials, the magnetic response builds over the exposure time.  I use a stacked pair of quarter inch diameter rare earth magnet from Radio Shack to test for magnetic properties.  Some of the flakes are moderately magnetic the rest are very slightly magnetic. (By magnetic I mean that they respond to a magnet, not that they have a magnetic field of their own.)

Jim places great significance in the magnetic properties of these materials.  He has built half a dozen magnetic traps to stick in streams in eastern
Oregon to trap monoatomic materials.  Some of these designs seem to trap more non-metallic gold and others seem to trap more of the PGE's.  They all trap a significant amount of these elements.  Jim claims that monoatomic gold always turns right over a magnetic field regardless of the polar orientation of the magnet.  His magnetic traps take advantage of this "fact".


On the page linked below, you can read another report about ORMUS escaping. Most of this report was written by the lady who wrote the Trap Water Diary:

The reports above suggest that ORMUS has a way to escape from the claws of the molecular cages (which define it} into different molecular cages (which define it differently). I suspect that the molecular escape process is similar to the escape process from sealed containers, described above, and the escape process that Sharon Rose has documented.