C-Gro Plants
Spud Seed
Left -- Gen 1 -- No
Right – Gen
2 -- C-Gro – 3 Gal.
Red Potatoes
C-Gro treated potatoes weighed 90% more than those
without C-Gro. Harvested at 73 days instead of
90 days as recommended. 2 1/2 weeks earlier to market. Brix
Refractometer 30% higher in treated potatoes.
Russet Potatoes
C-Gro treated russet potatoes on the right compared
to untreated russets on the left. These potatoes are about
ten weeks away from scheduled harvest time but a couple of the treated potatoes
are large enough to qualify for
harvest already. The total weight of the treated potatoes is already nearly
twice the weight of the untreated potatoes.