ORMUS and Consciousness

Various folks have proposed that this non-local connection between minds happens through the ORMUS materials in the following way:

We believe that the ORMUS elements are a component of the water or "tubulin" inside the microtubules in every cell. Hameroff and Penrose have proposed that microtubules are the site of a "quantum collapse" in which information from multiple universes is "collapsed" into a "conscious selection" or decision.(1) Sequences of these decisions makes up the consciousness of the cell and interactions between many cells makes up the consciousness of a person. In this way problems which would require as many decisions as there are atoms in the known universe can be solved using "calculations" performed in an infinite number of other universes.(2)

There is evidence that these ORMUS elements connect with these other universes through something called the zero point.(3) David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake and others have postulated that there is an "implicate order" or "morphogenic field" out of which consciousness and matter arises. The "hard problem" of quantum physics is to figure out what the exact connection between mind or spirit and matter is.

In David Hudson's patent relating to the ORMUS elements he demonstrates that the ORMUS materials can be induced to disappear from our universe entirely by repeatedly heating them to 850 degrees Celsius.(4) Several charts relating to this phenomenon were included with Hudson's patent.(5)

Since the ORMUS elements can disappear from this universe it is obvious that they are going somewhere else.

Another property of the ORMUS elements is that they are superconductors at body temperatures and above. Superconducting atoms resonance connect with one another through something called a Meissner field. The Meissner field and another phenomenon connected with superconductivity, called Josephson tunnelling, have been seen in biological systems.(6)

It is our theory that the ORMUS elements in the tubulin inside the microtubules create a resonance connection between cells in the brain and the rest of the body. We also postulate that these ORMUS elements connect to the infinite through the zero point.

As one increases the abundance of the ORMUS elements in the body, these resonance connections are strengthened. One example of an effect of this type of strengthened resonance connection is that when the DNA in cancer is repaired by the action of the platinum group ORMUS elements it is repaired to a healthy template provided by the healthy cells in the body rather than just to the cancer DNA template provided by the nearby cancer cells as is the case with cisplatin and other chemotherapy drugs.(7)

Matti Pitkanen, a Finish physicist, claims that the movement of matter by mind which occurs inside of the microtubule is virtually identical to psychokinesis or moving objects outside the body by the power of mind alone.(8)

It looks like the ORMUS elements might provide the missing link in our understanding of the relationship between mind and matter.

1. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~hameroff/penrose1.html

2. http://www.hotwired.com/synapse/braintennis/97/41/index0a.html

3. - Numerous references in Hudson's Dallas and Portland lectures.




7. http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol588/Bishopl.html - Cisplatin and DNA repair in cancer chemotherapy

8. http://blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/TGDconsc.html

Quantum physics is closing in on a convergence with several key "mystical" concepts. These concepts are:

The oneness of everything; quantum physics is approaching this concept via fractal or holographic universe models.

Infinite free will; quantum physics is approaching this concept via the "many worlds" or parallel universes theories.

The spiritual or non-physical nature of consciousness; quantum physics is approaching this concept via discoveries which link the microtubules in every living cell to the parallel universes through "quantum computing".

Alchemical or ORMUS materials; quantum physics is approaching this concept via the discovery and creation of Bose-Einstein condensates.

Psychic effects; quantum physics is approaching this concept via theories of quantum coherence in macro systems which would connect the individual to the rest of the universe (or universes).

ORMUS materials do not behave as ordinary matter behaves. For example ingesting m-state gold has different effects on the body than the effects of ingesting metallic gold. We postulate that the m-state materials are a different form or state of matter.

Bose-Einstein Condensates

Physicists have recently created a new state of matter in the laboratory. This state of matter is called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) after Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who postulated the existence of this state of matter in the 1920s. Their theory was not "proven" until BECs were created in the laboratory in 1995 by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman in Boulder, Colorado. They did it by cooling atoms to a much lower temperature than had been previously achieved. This temperature was a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.

Absolute zero is the temperature at which all atomic movement ceases. When atoms are cooled near absolute zero, they will not resonate at the same frequency as when they are at normal temperatures.

David Hudson claims that the scientists he has been working with tell him that the m-state atoms have a natural internal temperature which is very close to absolute zero. This may be why they can be Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and higher. It would also partially explain why these elements in the m-state do not register the same as the metallic forms of these elements in spectroscopic analysis.

A Bose-Einstein Condensate is a group of atoms which are all in the same quantum state. This group of atoms consequently behaves in some ways as a single atom. Superconductors are a form of BECs and so are superfluids.

You can read a simple description of what BECs are and how they work on the BEC Homepage at:


Here is an explanation of how BECs, superconductors and Cooper pairing inter-relate from the American Institute of Physics web page:

(See at: http://www.aip.org/physnews/graphics/condensed/1996/helium-3/)

"A superfluid is a liquid that flows without viscosity or inner friction. For a liquid to become superfluid, the atoms or molecules making up the liquid must be cooled or "condensed" to the point at which they all occupy the same quantum state. A liquid of helium-3, an atom whose nucleus is made up of an odd number of particles, is a type of particle known as a fermion. Groups of fermions are not allowed to occupy the same quantum state."

"By cooling the liquid to a low enough temperature, helium-3 atoms can pair up. The number of particles in each nucleus adds up to an even number, making it a type of particle known as a boson. Groups of bosons can fall into the same quantum state, and therefore superfluidity can be achieved. Helium-4, a boson, does not need to pair up to form a superfluid; groups of helium-4 atoms condense into the superfluid state at about 2 degrees above absolute zero. Superfluidity, especially the kind that exists in helium-3, is analogous to conventional low-temperature superconductivity, in which electrons flow through certain metals and alloys without resistance. In a superconductor, electrons, which are fermions, pair up in the metal crystal to form "Cooper pairs," bosons which can then condense into a superconducting state."


Odd Electrons

The following elements, which are known to have an m-state, have an odd number of electrons and protons:







In order for these atoms to be superconductors in the m-state, they must be at least diatoms.

The m-state of gold and other precious elements is different from the metallic state of these same elements. What makes the ORMUS state different is that they will not form metal-metal bonds with their own kind. They won't form metal-metal bonds because their valence electrons are not available to form normal molecular bonds. They aren't available because each electron is paired up with another electron in a Cooper paired state.

When electrons are Cooper paired, they cease to behave as particles and begin to behave more like light. Since you must have an even number of electrons in order for every electron to pair up with another electron, you cannot have the m-state of any element which has an odd number of electrons without having at least two of these atoms paired up.

For example, iridium has an atomic number of 77. This means that iridium has 77 electrons. 76 of these electrons could pair up but that would still leave one electron available for bonding with another atom in a compound. But if you had two atoms of iridium with mingled nuclei and electron clouds you would have 154 electrons. Since 154 is an even number, all of these electrons can pair up into 77 Cooper pairs. Nucleons must also pair up in the same way to form superconductors.

All known superconductors involve this kind of Cooper pairing.

Please realize that as a Bose-Einstein condensate, both atoms in the diatom will behave as one atom. They also resonance couple with other diatoms of the same element which are nearby. This resonance-coupled quantum oscillation is another of the definitions of superconductivity.

As you move a metal toward the ORMUS-BEC state, the chemical reactions necessary to do this moving become weaker and weaker since fewer and fewer of the valence electrons are available to participate in the chemical reactions. Eventually there are no electron handles that can be used to manipulate these materials. Fortunately these materials have other properties which can be used to manipulate them.

Since they are superconductors, they can be manipulated by magnetic fields. For example, if you shield them from magnetic fields during boiling processes, you will be able to conserve more of them in your liquid since they will not be impelled to tunnel out of your container or go off as a gas.

They can also be manipulated by providing them with a comfy "box" to hide out in. The ORMUS BECs seem to "like" tight spaces. Ring molecules such as the tri-sodium ring or the diozone ring can provide a chemical "box" with handles. Though you cannot get a chemical handle on the fully Cooper paired ORMUS atoms, you can entice them into a chemical box with handles and then manipulate the box using fairly standard physical and chemical methods.

So, although these elements are the same as the "heavy metal" elements, they are not in a metallic state and as long as the m-state of these elements is present in sufficient amounts, the metallic portion seems to "borrow" the properties of the m-state.

Microtubules - Mind-Matter Connection

BECs are also known to have the ability to "tunnel" across impenetrable barriers. Professor Brian D. Josephson of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge (i.e. the Physics Department of the University of Cambridge) received the Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery of the tunneling phenomenon. Dr. Josephson is currently working on something called the Mind-Matter Unification Project which you can read about at:


In April of 1996 Brian Josephson and Jessica Utts wrote an article for the Times Higher Education Supplement's special section on Consciousness linked to the Tucson II conference "Toward a Science of Consciousness". This article was titled "The Paranomal: The Evidence and its Implications for Consciousness". In this article they wrote the following about how quantum physics might relate to psychic phenomena:

"What are the implications for science of the fact that psychic functioning appears to be a real effect? These phenomena seem mysterious, but no more mysterious perhaps than strange phenomena of the past which science has now happily incorporated within its scope. What ideas might be relevant in the context of suitably extending science to take these phenomena into account? Two such concepts are those of the observer, and non-locality. The observer forces his way into modern science because the equations of quantum physics, if taken literally, imply a universe that is constantly splitting into separate branches, only one of which corresponds to our perceived reality. A process of "decoherence" has been invoked to stop two branches interfering with each other, but this still does not answer the question of why our experience is of one particular branch and not any other. Perhaps, despite the unpopularity of the idea, the experiencers of the reality are also the selectors.

This idea perhaps makes sense in the light of theories that presuppose that quantum theory is not the ultimate theory of nature, but involves (in ways that in some versions of the idea can be made mathematically precise) the manifestations of a deeper "subquantum domain". In just the same way that a surf rider can make use of random waves to travel effortlessly along, a psychic may be able to direct random energy at the subquantum level for her own purposes. Some accounts of the subquantum level involve action at a distance, which fits in well with some purported psychic abilities."

Other physicists are also working on theories which unite mind and matter.

One fairly recent discovery in biology and physics is that a certain small structure in every cell, called the microtubule, exhibits superconductive and tunneling behaviors at body temperature.

You can read more about the quantum properties of microtubules from links on Rhett Savage's Quantum Brain web page at:


And on Matti Pitkanen's web page at:


Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems


Negentropy Maximization Principle and TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness


TGD:eish model for the EEG and generation of nerve pulse

One of the problems with modern quantum physical theories is that no one has yet positively confirmed the connection between Bose-Einstein condensates, which have been demonstrated to exist in small groups of atoms at a millionth of a degree above absolute zero, with the BEC like behavior of microtubules at body temperature in every living cell. The ORMUS materials would make this connection.

Several of the modern theories relating to microtubules were proposed by Roger Penrose (a physicist) and Stuart Hameroff (an anesthesiologist).

Here I will quote from another who has explained this quite elegantly:

"Penrose has been seeking a better way to explain the fantastic computational power of the brain and Hameroff has been seeking the source of consciousness. The two heard of each other and got together to find that they both sought a common structure, the microtubule.

Penrose sought a structure in the brain that had nanometer dimensions because such a structure would be necessary to support quantum effects. Hameroff sought the structure responsible for consciousness. They agreed that the microtubules would provide for both.

Mictotubules are tiny tubular structures within neurons that are made from two forms of tubulin. The two forms can be switched by tiny electric currents, so Penrose has proposed that the tubulin units may be the on/off switches for the brain's data processing. I agree with this proposal because it allows us to be what we are by increasing our potential processing rate from an unacceptable 10 Exp11 operations per second (OPS) to a reasonably acceptable 10 Exp24 OPS. Penrose explains all this quite well and I recommend him to all who would like to have a deeper understanding of our minds.

Hameroff has done a lot of research into how consciousness works and he has concluded that the microtubules are the source of our consciousness. This is discussed in and supported by Penrose's work. Hameroff has concluded that the observable quantum effects that occur in human brains are caused by highly aligned water that is inside the microtubules. Penrose agrees with this concept and further argues that Bose- Einstein Condensations (BECs) in the neurons are how we reach decisions. The BECs are possible because the water inside the microtubules can be strongly aligned to form a high- temperature superconductive medium.

This concept supports my thinking very well. BECs provide an explanation for all the effects I refer to as psionics. These effects include: telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, and astral travel. A BEC in the Broca area of the brain would allow thoughts to exist inside the brain and outside the head at the same time. This can explain both telepathy and how it is controlled. Likewise, a BEC in the visual processing areas would explain remote viewing. Since microtubules exist in all neurons and neurons extend into all parts of the body, a BEC including all neurons would allow the body to exist in two (or more) places at the same time, thus explaining bilocation.

With this discovery, all psionics can be explained in modern physical terms. This opens the whole field of psionics to persons like myself who have had so much technical training that it is impossible to accept psionics. This discovery means that all the formal training I've had in Chemistry, Math, and Physics still applies and can even help explain psionics. For me, it is good to know that all these topics can exist peacefully together."


Free Will and Parallel Universes

Here I would like to discuss some of these concepts as they relate to the role of the unconscious mind. Many people believe that each individual's free will depends on their ability to perceive and choose from an infinite number of probable futures. While this ability to perceive is largely assigned to the unconscious mind, the instructions or parameters for these choices are conscious.

For example the conscious mind might decide to believe in a future where there is a great natural disaster. (There are many good reasons why the conscious mind might choose disaster. Perhaps the conscious mind wishes to rise to a situation with great heroism or perhaps the conscious mind is feeling guilty for separating the self from others and wishes to join others in solving great problems.) The conscious mind, by toying with a belief in a great natural disaster, would "assign" the unconscious mind the task of looking for a probable future which contained all of the elements of disaster which would satisfy its criteria.

Most of us do not like contrived situations so the conscious mind would likely also assign the unconscious mind to pick a probable future disaster which would have many surprising elements. The instruction from the conscious to the unconscious might go something like this: "I am interested in working heroically with others to rescue survivors of an earthquake or other natural disaster; I don't wish for this to look like I created it so surprise me with the details."

Well, it turns out that a couple of the scientists I mentioned previously (Hameroff and Penrose) have postulated something like this in a 1996 paper titled "Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness" which was published in the journal "Mathematics and Computers in Simulation". This complete paper is available on the web at:


They write:

"We assume that pre-and sub-conscious processing corresponds with quantum coherent superposition which can perform "quantum computing" (Penrose, 1989). A number of authors (e.g. Deutsch, 1985; Deutsch and Josza 1992; Feynman 1986; Benioff, 1982) have proposed that quantum coherence can implement multiple computations simultaneously, in parallel, according to quantum linear superposition: the quantum state then "collapses" to a particular result. A state which "self-collapses" (OR) will have an element of non-computability, even though evolution of its quantum coherence had been linear and computable. A quantum superposed state collapsed by external environment or observation (SR, or R) lacks a non-computable element, and would thus be unsuitable for consciousness. Large scale quantum coherence occurring among tubulins (e.g. via electrons in hydrophobic pockets arrayed in the microtubule lattice, or ordered water within hollow MT cores) could take on aspects of a quantum computer in pre-conscious and sub-conscious modes. . .

. . . But what is consciousness? According to the principles of OR (Penrose, 1994), superpositioned states each have their own space-time geometries. When the degree of coherent mass-energy difference leads to sufficient separation of space-time geometry, the system must choose and decay (reduce, collapse) to a single universe state, thus preventing "multiple universes" (e.g. Wheeler, 1957). In this way, a transient superposition of slightly differing space-time geometries persists until an abrupt quantum classical reduction occurs and one or the other is chosen. Thus consciousness may involve self-perturbations of space-time geometry."

In a nutshell they are saying that through a process of quantum computing the microtubule element throws a problem into the "black box" of all possible universes and pulls the solution out almost instantly. When this happens, the decision point chooses one outcome from among an infinite number of parallel outcomes.

They refer to David Deutsch regarding his concepts of quantum computing. What does Deutsch mean by quantum computing? In an online debate between David Deutsch and Seth Lloyd regarding whether parallel universes are equally real, Deutsch writes:

Furthermore, the universes affect each other. Though the

effects are minute, they are detectable in carefully designed

experiments. There are projects underway - close to your

heart, I know, as well as mine - to harness these effects to

perform useful computations. When a quantum computer

solves a problem by dividing it into more sub-problems than

there are atoms in the universe, and then solving each

sub-problem, it will prove to us that those sub-problems were

solved somewhere - but not in our universe, for there isn't

enough room here. What more do you need to persuade you

that other universes exist?

(You can read the balance of this debate at: http://www.hotwired.com/synapse/braintennis/97/41/index0a.html)

In the conclusion of their paper, Hameroff and Penrose write:

"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates."

Hameroff and Penrose are implying that in order to avoid "seeing" multiple universes at the same time, the quantum coherence created in microtubules by some material (we think the alchemical materials) must collapse. What if the quantum coherence did not collapse and we became aware of multiple universes?

Psychic Confirmation

Probable Realities

Many modern physicists believe that there are an infinite number of parallel universes. They theorize that atoms are made up of smaller particles which are like bubbles in the quantum foam. These bubbles in the quantum foam or "holes in the aether" (spoken of below) spend a fraction of their existence in each of these parallel universes.

The question of whether we can become aware of multiple universes can be broken down into a smaller question; whether information is transferred between these parallel universes. This question was debated by Deutsch and Lloyd (mentioned above).

Their debate was anticipated in The 'Unknown' Reality by Jane Roberts which was dictated by Seth in 1974-75:

Session 682

"So I prefer, here to speak of these units of consciousness instead. Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. These units can indeed appear in several places at once, and without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these basic units of consciousness can be in all places at once. They are in all places at once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear as something else.

Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of them in one atom--many millions. Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can move forward or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.

All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible universes created from these units. Therefore, there are realities in which the endless probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience grouped about that venture.

There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible within a moment have become realities within that framework."

Session 683

"Anything apparent to whatever degree in your system is developed in another.

The point of all this is that these units are unpredictable, and fulfill all probabilities of consciousness. Any concepts of gods or other beings that are based upon limited ideas of personhood will ultimately be futile. You view the fantastic variety of physical life--its animals, insects, birds, fish, man and all his works--with hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that the nature of consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn to think of an inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness, and change it to a degree. The present idea of the soul, you see, is a "primitive" idea that can scarcely begin to explain the creativity or reality from which mankind's being comes. You are multipersons. You exist in many times and places at once. You exist as one person, simultaneously. This does not deny the independence of the persons, but your inner reality straddles their reality, while it serves as a psychic world in which they can grow."

Session 695

"All probable selves are connected. They each influence one another. There is a natural interaction, but no coercion. Each probable self has its own free will and uniqueness. You can change your own experience in the probability that you know--which itself rides upon infinite other probabilities."

Session 733

"In your terms, the world is intensely different from one moment to another, with each smallest portion of consciousness choosing its reality from a field of infinite probabilities."


"The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive. It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus. . . The fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same."

Session 681

"You can choose to accept as your reality any number of given unpredictable events. In that respect, the choice is yours, but all the events you do not accept occur nevertheless."

Session 682

"All matter is based upon the units mentioned, with their unpredictability and their propensity for exploring all probabilities. Even your atomic structure, then, is poised between probabilities. If this is true, then obviously "you" are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself--and this portion you protect as your identity. If you think of it as simply a focus taken by "your" greater identity, then you will be able to follow what I am saying without feeling puny by contrast, or lost. The focus that you have is indeed inviolate.

I have often said that even in your lifetimes, all probable variations of any one event occur, but I never went much further. With your focus, it seems that you have a line of identity from birth to death. Looking back at any point, you are sure that the "self" of ten years ago is the self of today, though perhaps changed in certain respects.

There is, of course, no single-line kind of development at all. In the first place, as you know, your life is at once, though you experience, practically, a life-to-death sequence--Ruburt's living area in Adventures. Every probable event that could happen to you, happens."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It is very clear from these quotes that Seth believes that there are an infinite number of probable selves and that they live in an infinite number of probable universes which share our Consciousness Units and which are as real in every way as the one each of us chooses to perceive.

Modern physics is draped all over certain very Seth like concepts. I believe the keystone to the passage connecting physics and metaphysics is the alchemical materials that I mentioned before. These materials would explain the physics of the microtubule and would provide the bridge that physicists are looking for to "prove" the new theories on parallel universes, microtubules as a connection to consciousness and also all the psychic phenomena we can imagine.

Our free will comes from the infinite parallel universes which we can (and do) choose. Also, we are an integral part of the process which builds and maintains physical matter in each of these parallel universes (or probable realities if you prefer). In The Seth Material, Seth says:

"The objective world is the end result of inner action. You can indeed manipulate the objective world from within, for this is the means and definition of true manipulation....

"Thoughts and images are formed into physical reality and become physical fact. They are propelled chemically. A thought IS energy. It begins to produce itself physically at the moment of its conception.

"Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland. As you know them, body chemicals are physical, but they are the propellants of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality. They cause the body to reproduce the inner image. They are sparks, so to speak, initiating the transformation.

"Chemicals are released through the skin and pore systems, in an invisible but definite pseudophysical formation. The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of its physical materialization. There is no object about you that you have not created. There is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made.

"The initial thought or image exists within the mental enclosure [as explained in earlier sessions]. It is not yet physical Then it is sparked into physical materialization by the mental enzymes.

"This is the general procedure. All such images or thoughts are not completely materialized in your terms, however. The intensity may be too weak. The chemical reaction sparks certain electrical charges, some within the layers of the skin. There are radiations then through the skin to the exterior world, containing highly codified instructions and information.

"The physical environment is as much a part of you, then, as your body. Your control over it is quite effective, for you create it as you create your fingertip.... Objects are composed of the same pseudomaterial that radiates outward from your own physical image, only the higher intensity mass is different. When it is built up enough, you recognize it as an object. At low intensity mass it is not apparent to you.

"Every nerve and fiber within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. In one respect, the body and physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self."

"Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, invisibly along these nerve pathways in much the same manner that they travel within the body. The pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires that travel outward from any given self, altering seemingly objective events."

This next is quite important, I think:

"In a very real manner, events or objects are actually focal points where highly charged psychic impulses are transformed into something that can be physically perceived: a breakthrough into matter. When such highly charged impulses intersect or coincide, matter is formed The reality behind such an explosion into matter is independent of the matter itself. An identical or nearly identical pattern may reemerge 'at any time' again and again, if the proper coordinates exist for activation."

Throughout the centuries many people have recognized that mind and matter were related, but the Seth Material specifically gives the ways and means by which mind is translated into the reality that we know. Exactly what force is beneath the smallest units of matter, for example? How does the breakthrough into matter occur?

And what is the point of all this? Seth says:

"In your system of reality you are learning what mental energy is, and how to use it. You do this by constantly transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form. You are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development by perceiving the exterior environment. What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your own inner emotions, energy, and mental environment."

The Infinite Present

I have an analogy that I use when explaining the concept of the infinite present. Imagine a room full of Mickey Mouse dolls. You take a strobe laser light, which is capable of illuminating one doll at a time, into this room. All of the dolls are there but you can see only one at a time. According to what you believe is possible, you can move the light from one doll to another so that it looks like Mickey stands up or walks around or sits down. Now, postulate that the light is consciousness and the decision of where and how fast to move it is determined by our beliefs. Though all of the dolls are there in the room at once, (all of time exists "at once") it "looks like" there is change through time.

Time is a way of structuring consciousness or attention. We believe in time and cause & effect, therefore we experience these things.

The difficult part of this concept is to try to grasp the true scope of infinity. There is an infinite number of Mickey Mouse dolls of every possible (and impossible) shape and configuration. The thing about infinity is, there sure is a lot of it.

So the next question people ask is, "if everything already exists, where is the creativity - what is new?" The concept of fractals is useful here. If you have ever watched a computer fractal generator, you will see a pattern which is duplicated continuously at smaller and smaller scale. After the generator has been working for a while, the pattern will begin to look pretty much the same because the change is happening at too fine a scale to be visible.

At our scale we are on the changing edge of the fractal pattern. While all the Mickey Mouse dolls already exist in the room, there are always new and creative ways to move the strobe laser from one to another.

Jack Sarfatti used an analogy of multiple layers of film to represent different "parallel" universes in his popular explanation of the many worlds theory titled Space-Time and Beyond. I have trouble limiting the analogy to a stack of parallel film strips. The three dimensional analogy sort of opened things up. I imagine that a twelve dimensional analogy would be more appropriate but I'm not sharp enough to figure out how to present such a thing let alone conceptualize it myself.

Psychic Observations

The alchemical materials are a strong candidate for the elements which mix with the water inside the microtubules and allow it to become a superconductive medium.

In the Paranormal Observations paper Gary writes:

"There are several forces, flowing between and linking individual anu into associations of the different subatomic particles, and these forces are seen to originate from, and return to, higher dimensions. They well-up and later disappear, in a source/sink fashion, associated with anu forming the ends of their flow paths in our 3 dimensions. Several types of distinct forces transit along the different coils or whorls of the anu themselves. Still other types of forces act through larger particles and atoms, and linking monatoms (for instance) together into diatomic arrangements. Describing all the forces which can be observed at work is a real challenge. It will take a great deal of work to separate and quantify these forces, to reduce them to physics."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I suspect that these are the forces that Seth speaks of which create and maintain our physical reality. While science is saying that the microtubule may be the place where our biological quantum computer is connected to infinite parallel universes, Seth is saying that All That Is is manifesting and maintaining physical reality through us. These two concepts have a common linkage and really are looking at the same process from opposite ends. The trick is knowing enough of the languages of physics, alchemy, Seth and Theosophy to recognize the connections which are so clearly there.

Fractal Consciousness and Holographic Universe

Modern physics also is postulating a couple of other concepts which would be models of a link between the self and the universe. These concepts are the fractal consciousness concept and the holographic universe concept.

The fractal consciousness concept is intertwined with the holographic universe concept. In a sense, the fractal concept is identical to the holographic concept. Each branch of the fractal contains the pattern of the whole fractal in much the same way as each piece of a hologram contains the entire picture of the hologram.

Both of these concepts seem to relate to psychic observations of sub-atomic structure carried out by Besant and Leadbeater in the early part of this century. They also relate to psychic observations of alchemical materials which are ongoing.

A gentleman named Gary, who describes himself as a kundalini awakened American engineer, wrote a paper which describes Besant and Leadbeater's observations, as well as some of his own. This paper is available on the Web at:


Following is Gary's introduction to his paper:

Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure


Between August 1895 and October 1933, Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the elements. Both of these individuals had previously awakened kundalini; Leadbeater has described his having done so by pranayama, which is the same method I used. After kundalini has been awakened, and after the ajna chakra (brow chakra) is fully functioning, it is possible to extend one's consciousness, specifically the faculty of vision, through great ranges in magnification capability, and either up or down in objective size. In yogic writings, this is part of what is allegorically referred to as the ability to make oneself very small or very large at will. These are the first and second of the eight major siddhis, the Sanskrit Anima and Mahima. The actual nature and extent of many of the siddhis, or paranormal powers, are often (intentionally) described allegorically, and so are widely misunderstood. Anima and Mahima actually each refer to several different things.

One of these, or what actually happens, and is being referred to in the case of these observations, is that a projection from the ajna chakra is formed by the yogi; the functional aperture and gain of this protuberant projection or filament can be controlled by the yogi, according to the scale of the object under observation. This extended faculty is symbolically depicted in ancient Egyptian iconography by the small serpent on the pharaoh's forehead, which is dismissed by most Egyptologists as being just a part of the headdress. By its means, one is capable of seeing objects far smaller and far more distant than is possible by means of any man-made instruments yet devised. Leadbeater, for example, describes an entire spectrum of particle sizes below the subatomic particles which make up physical atoms.

The results of Leadbeater's and Besant's investigations were published serially as articles in the magazine, The Theosophist. The material was later arranged and published in 1909 in a book titled "Occult Chemistry", which was revised in a second edition in 1919. In 1951, a much enlarged and revised third edition (396 pages) was published in Adyar, Madras, India. I am fortunate to have copies of these two later editions. Over twenty years ago, in the 1970's, I corresponded at length with the Theosophical Society's Olcott Library, and they graciously provided me with a good deal of further information. Since that time, and during my own studies, I have awaited in hopes that the Theosophical Society would reprint all the original material. This has not yet occurred, though I continue to hope for it. Editions of Occult Chemistry are now very rare and difficult to find.

However, a British physicist named Stephen Phillips became aware of this material, and in 1980 published a book titled "Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks", describing the two Theosophist's work and interpreting it in the light of modern atomic theory. Though the atomic structures observed by the yogic faculty, as described by Leadbeater and Besant, did not make much sense to their contemporaries, present day theories of atomic structure and particle physics make their descriptions much more recognizable, validated, and startlingly accurate, as Dr. Phillips was amazed to discover.

Phillip's book was published before the high spin state was recognized, and so he does not discuss it from this aspect. However, he does notice how the observations match the Higgs superconducting vacuum model, recognizes non-Abelian monopoles with Nielsen-Olesen vortices as carrying quantized flux, and identifies the mechanisms at work underlying quark stability, among many other things. All in all, he did a fine job of it.

[Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks, by Stephen M. Phillips, PhD, 1980,

Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton IL, ISBN 0-8356-0227-3, US $15.00]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The abstract of a recent paper by Phillips on this subject is available on the Web at:


Gary further describes his observations of these subatomic structures:

"If one takes an anu, and uses the Will to take it apart and completely dissociate it, this can be done, but as soon as the Will is released, the anu reforms again. It is like taking a piece of slinky spring, and unwinding it by stretching it out and pressing it flat on the floor with your hands. But as soon as you let go, it pops back. The individual anu are each (one discovers) direct force-aspect manifestations of a higher Will, which generates and sustains all the matter in the Universe. It is... in very fact, the "Force", which is with us. This Force originates from a dimension far higher than we (certainly, I) can reach while still clinging to corporeal form. When we try to conceive of the stupendous number of anu, throughout all matter of the visible galaxies, which are being held in existence in such manner, the extent and scope of that Will is truly mind numbing."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Koilon in the Aether or Zero Point Quantum Foam?

The following excerpt from Occult Chemistry was written by C. W. Leadbeater in 1907. It describes the fractal structure of these subatomic particles in a time before the concept of fractals was postulated. Notice that there are also hints at superstring theory and the concept of quantum foam:

"To help us to understand more clearly let us examine the ultimate atom of the physical plane. (See Figs. 3 and 6.) It is composed of ten rings or wires, which lie side by side, but never touch one another. If one of these wires be taken away from the atom, and as it were untwisted from its peculiar spiral shape and laid out on a flat surface, it will be seen that it is a complete circle-a tightly twisted endless coil. This coil is itself a spiral containing 1,680 turns; it can be unwound. and it will then make a much larger circle. There are in each wire seven sets of such coils or spirillae, each finer than the preceding coil to which its axis lies at right angles. The process of unwinding them in succession may be continued until we have nothing but an enormous circle of the tiniest imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string. These dots are so inconceivably small that many millions of them are needed to make one ultimate physical atom. They appear to be the basis of all matter of which we at present know anything; astral. mental and buddhic atoms also are built of them, so we may regard them as the fundamental units of which all material atoms on any plane yet attainable are composed.

These units are all alike, spherical and absolutely simple in construction. Though they are the basis of all matter, they are not themselves matter; they are not blocks but bubbles. They do not resemble bubbles floating in the air, which consist of a thin film of water separating the air within them from the air outside, so that the film has both an outer and an inner surface. Their analogy is rather with the bubbles that we see rising in water, bubbles which may be said to have only one surface-that of the water which is pushed back by the confined air. Just as the bubbles are not water, but are precisely the spots from which water is absent, so these units are not koilon but the absence of koilon- the only spots where it is not-specks of nothingness floating in it. so to speak, for the interior of these space-bubbles is an absolute void to the highest power of vision that we can turn upon them.

What then is their real content-the tremendous force that can blow bubbles in a material of infinite density? What but the creative power of the Logos, the Breath which He breathes into the waters of space when He wills that manifestation shall commence? These infinitesimal bubbles are the "holes" which "Fohat digs in space"; the Logos Himself fills them, and holds them in existence against the pressure of the koilon because He Himself is in them. These units of force are the bricks which He uses in the building of His universe, and everything that we call matter, on however high or low a place it may be, is composed of these and so is divine in its very essence.

The Outbreathing which makes these bubbles is quite distinct from and long antecedent to the Three Outpourings which have been so frequently discussed in Theosophical literature; it is not even certain whether it is the work of the Solar Logos or of One a stage higher still, The later Outpourings whirl the bubbles into the various arrangements which we call the atoms of the severe,, planes, and then aggregate those atoms into the molecules of the chemical elements.

Thus the worlds are gradually built up, but always out of this selfsame material which to us seems nothingness, and yet is divine power. It is indeed a veritable creation, a building of something out of nothing-of what we call matter out of a privation of matter."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The drawing which accompanies this description is available on the Web at:


There are other concepts with which I am not totally familiar but which might have connections to this discussion. Tony Smith has an excellent web page with descriptions and links for some of the ideas surrounding the multiple universe or "many worlds" theory. He links Taoist, Vedic, Mayan, I Ching, Chinese astrology and Kabbala concepts to the multiple worlds theory. He does this from the perspective of a mathematician and physicist. Check this page out at:


Here is a quote on Mayan beliefs from one of the many links on Tony's web page: (http://www.resonate.org/places/writings/mayan/maya.htm)

Other Mayan Beliefs

The Mayans see God as the divine creative imagination that "imagined" this universe into being. To awaken one's own cosmic creative imagination is to awaken to one's own immortal divine nature. At this point one becomes co-operative and co-creative with the universal creative imagination, which is presently imagining, and thus creating, this reality.

The Mayans believe that you can change your past history by changing its memory in the present. They use dreamwork or altered states to reengineer their memories, thus changing their pasts. They are then molders and not victims of time.

We unfold our reality by the decisions we make. The Mayans believe that there exist alternate versions of reality corresponding to the decision paths not taken and that we can, under certain circumstances, connect with these alternate realities in ways that can benefit us.

There is a sort of scientific and philosophical convergence going on where many of the concepts of modern physics are meeting concepts from ancient spiritual teachings. Seth seems to have anticipated this convergence in his various books. The knowledge we gain from our work with the alchemical materials will certainly accelerate this convergence.

BECs and EEGs

These new scientific theories are also changing the way we look at how consciousness runs the body via nerve impulses. The old electrochemical models for nerve pulse generation are being revised in the face of new observations and theories about the role of superconducting Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in the generation of "brain waves" which are read by the electroencephalogram (EEG). It seems that these electrical fields have a strength and frequency which does not conform very well with an electrochemical generation model. On the other hand, a BEC superconductor model would fit nicely.

A theoretical quantum physicist named Matti Pitkanen has elaborated on existing work in this field and has concluded that the measured EEG energy and frequency range would nicely match predicted values of electrical energy and frequency from superconductive Josephson tunneling between different BECs on different layers of the microtubule wall.

You can read more about Pitkanen's EEG/nerve pulse theories on several of his web pages. Among them are:




Most of the information on these web pages goes way over my head. Fortunately, when Matti was developing these theories, he provided me with a simplified explanation in our private email communications. Here is an excerpt from one of these communications:

"The 'wormholes', which provide the suggested mechanism of superconductivity turned out to provide a very beautiful working model for EEG and nerve pulse. I already told about early version of this model, which was still wrong in many respects. If You are interested You can find the model on my homepage. I think that this model gives very strong support for # throat (wormhole) BE condensate concept and thus also to the concept of exotic atom, electronic alchemy and superconductivity, too although the suggested mechanism of superconductivity is not numerically tested.

The point is that we have enormous amount of neurophysiological data and the nervepulse-EEG model gives highly nontrivial predictions as well as new vision about the role of nerve pulses in information processing. Everything testable. The dropping of electrons from atomic to the 'lower' space-time sheet would indeed be the crucial step leading from chemical to bioevolution."


Please note Matti's reference to electronic alchemy.

If a superconducting BEC mechanism for thought and neural function is accepted, then there would be a clear mechanism for the effects of magnetic fields on the human body. Superconductors will levitate on spinning magnetic fields. This is one of the basic tests for superconductivity. This means that moving or fluctuating magnetic fields repel superconductors.

Clocks and electric blankets both exemplify moving magnetic fields. Clock motors generate strong rotating magnetic fields. Electric blankets use alternating current which alternates between a positive and a negative electrical flow. This generates a fluctuating magnetic field.

It is easy to see how fluctuating magnetic fields might effect biological health.

One branch of alchemy extracts alchemical materials from plants. I believe that our bodies also extract alchemical materials from plants and these alchemical materials are the source of the superconducting BEC elements in our cells. When we are exposed to moving magnetic fields, these alchemical elements can be "levitated" out of the cells and out of the body. Consequently when we do not have sufficient of these alchemical BEC materials in our cells, certain biological effects would result.

Since recent research has demonstrated that these alchemical elements can repair damaged DNA, a lack of them might encourage diseases which have been linked to damaged DNA like cancer, AIDS and other diseases which involve immune system function. Conversely, replenishing these elements by eating foods which are rich in them or by ingesting alchemical materials would enhance the repair of DNA and result in a cure for these diseases.

The effects of aging are also linked to cumulative damage to the DNA. Perhaps this is how the Philosopher's Stone might promote longevity.

The known properties of superconductors might also explain the reported beneficial health effects of stationary magnets. If a stationary magnet is place in an area of the body which is unhealthy, it might cause the migration and accumulation of the alchemical materials into that area of the body. This would have a beneficial effect by promoting DNA repair and other positive changes.

Multiple universe theories

Multiverse theories and modern quantum theory in general suggest a relationship between consciousness and matter. This relationship can be contemplated from two distinct theoretical perspectives. One can hypothesize that consciousness is a product of matter or one can hypothesize that matter is a product of consciousness.

In some ways, each of these hypotheses would look similar "on-the-ground". The "implicate order" underlying the laws of physics could be "just the way things work" or it could be conscious intent.

The "just the way things work" paradigm is basic to "traditional physics" and the "conscious intent" paradigm is basic to "traditional metaphysics". For a long time, metaphysicists have suggested that the chasm between physics and metaphysics can be bridged. Some modern physicists are also suggesting the this chasm can be bridged. David Bohm has developed the concept of "implicate order" in a way which would not preclude the concept of matter as a product of consciousness and Brian Josephson is working on his "Mind/Matter Unification Project.

The bridge between physics and metaphysics is virtually complete but it is lacking the keystone for the main arch.

On the physics side of the bridge, Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose have proposed a quantum computing "mechanism" which would explain the incredible computing capacity demonstrated in ordinary life functions. They have proposed that the microtubules inside every cell have quantum computing capability. See:


Hameroff and Penrose write:

"We assume that pre-and sub-conscious processing corresponds with quantum coherent superposition which can perform "quantum computing" (Penrose, 1989). A number of authors (e.g. Deutsch, 1985; Deutsch and Josza 1992; Feynman 1986; Benioff, 1982) have proposed that quantum coherence can implement multiple computations simultaneously, in parallel, according to quantum linear superposition: the quantum state then "collapses" to a particular result. A state which "self-collapses" (OR) will have an element of non-computability, even though evolution of its quantum coherence had been linear and computable. A quantum superposed state collapsed by external environment or observation (SR, or R) lacks a non-computable element, and would thus be unsuitable for consciousness. Large scale quantum coherence occurring among tubulins (e.g. via electrons in hydrophobic pockets arrayed in the microtubule lattice, or ordered water within hollow MT cores) could take on aspects of a quantum computer in pre-conscious and sub-conscious modes. . .

. . . But what is consciousness? According to the principles of OR (Penrose, 1994), superpositioned states each have their own space-time geometries. When the degree of coherent mass-energy difference leads to sufficient separation of space-time geometry, the system must choose and decay (reduce, collapse) to a single universe state, thus preventing "multiple universes" (e.g. Wheeler, 1957). In this way, a transient superposition of slightly differing space-time geometries persists until an abrupt quantum classical reduction occurs and one or the other is chosen. Thus consciousness may involve self-perturbations of space-time geometry."

In a nutshell they are saying that through a process of quantum computing the microtubule element throws a problem into the "black box" of all possible universes and pulls the solution out almost instantly. When this happens, the decision point chooses one outcome from among an infinite number of probable outcomes.

They refer to David Deutsch regarding his concepts of quantum computing. What does Deutsch mean by quantum computing? In an online debate between David Deutsch and Seth Lloyd regarding whether parallel universes are equally real, Deutsch writes:

Furthermore, the universes affect each other. Though the

effects are minute, they are detectable in carefully designed

experiments. There are projects underway - close to your

heart, I know, as well as mine - to harness these effects to

perform useful computations. When a quantum computer

solves a problem by dividing it into more sub-problems than

there are atoms in the universe, and then solving each

sub-problem, it will prove to us that those sub-problems were

solved somewhere - but not in our universe, for there isn't

enough room here. What more do you need to persuade you

that other universes exist?

(You can read the balance of this debate at: http://www.hotwired.com/synapse/braintennis/97/41/index0a.html)

In the conclusion of their paper, Hameroff and Penrose write:

"A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates."

Hameroff and Penrose are implying that in order to avoid "seeing" multiple universes at the same time, the quantum coherence created in microtubules by some material, must collapse. What is the substance which sustains this quantum computing phenomena inside the microtubule? What if the quantum coherence did not collapse and we became aware of multiple universes?

It seems that the keystone for biological quantum computing has been located but has not been identified.

What is it? What is the substance which allows for superconductivity at biological temperatures?

While modern physicists will sometimes make metaphysical speculations, they are reluctant to cite modern metaphysical literature (they will occasionally cite ancient Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu or other scripture).

Rather than the keystone for a bridge, half-completed from both sides of a chasm, modern physics generally sees the next experimental confirmation of quantum physical theory as the latest capstone of the growing pyramid of scientific knowledge.

Just for fun, using the bridge analogy, I am going to describe a bit about modern metaphysical thought so that folks on this forum can see what the other half of the bridge might look like.

The current "state-of-the-art" in metaphysics is the "theory" put forth by an "energy essence personality" called Seth.

In 1990 Norman Friedman published his book titled "Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements In David Bohm's Physics, The Perennial Philosophy and Seth". A couple of years ago he wrote an article for Reality Change magazine which has an explanation about who Seth is, as well as an explanation of some of the correlations between physics and the "Seth" philosophy. Here are a couple of excerpts from that article:

Seth and Physics: The Construction of the Physical Universe

By Norman Friedman, author of Bridging Science and Spirit and speaker at SethNet '94

"Jane Roberts (1929-1984) was a novelist and poet before she became a channel for the entity who calls himself Seth. In September 1963, Jane had what she described as her first paranormal experience. While writing poetry, she suddenly felt her consciousness leave her body, and simultaneously she began writing (or recording) a torrent of new ideas entering her mind. These writings are the enormously provocative definitions entitled "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction."1 The amazing aspect of this encounter for Jane was that not only were some of these ideas new to her but many were contrary to her own beliefs.

At the time, Jane was researching and writing a book on extra-sensory perception, the acquisition of information outside the five senses. As part of her project, she and her husband Robert Butts began experimenting with a Ouija board. After a few sessions, they began receiving messages from Seth---an "energy essence personality," using Seth's terms. After a few more sessions, Jane began anticipating the Ouija board messages and speaking them before the pointer moved. Soon after that she was capable of full trance in which she allowed Seth to use her body to deliver his message. These sessions resulted in a number of books written by Jane Roberts and others dictated by Seth."


Friedman's article goes on to describe several correlations between modern scientific thought and Seth's "theories" and ends with a discussion of the multiple universe theory:

"One final aspect should be considered. If we each make our own reality, how is it that we perceive a single shared reality "out there?" According to Seth, there exists an infinite number of realities---all occupying the same space. As an example, imagine three persons plus a cat in a room with a table. According to Seth, there are actually three rooms, each with a table, each in a three-dimensional space. There is also a fourth room made by the cat. The rooms made by the people are enough alike to create the impression of the same "room," the reason being that the humans have the same neurological structure and are on relatively the same level of conscious awareness. The room made by the cat is probably quite different but since we have no common language, we cannot determine its characteristics.

You might be thinking that surely there is no counterpart to such an idea in contemporary physics. But a construct called Hilbert space offers some parallels.

When quantum theory was originally formulated, it was found that ordinary three-dimensional space was not adequate if all the independent possibilities were to be handled. For example, if two electrons make up the quantum state, one three-dimensional space for both electrons would not allow the physicist to perform such calculations as the conservation of momentum if two electrons collide. In short, a six-dimensional space is required---three for each electron. As the possibilities increase, the number of dimensions increase. The physicist uses an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space for calculations, with the particle becoming a pattern in this infinite-dimensional space. It is as if each electron requires its own space. An analogy would be two people in separate cities playing a game of chess and communicating their moves through a telephone link. In such an arrangement, two chess boards are required, each with the pieces placed in the same pattern. Thus the idea that we construct our own reality is like each of us having our own chessboard of life, playing the game according to generally agreed upon rules.

In summary, Seth makes these assertions, which are clearly related to concepts in contemporary physics:

· Energy is the basis of the universe.

· Energy is consciousness: that is to say, mind is inherent in all matter from the elementary particle to the human.

· The universe is constructed from mental activity and from all consciousness.

· All conscious gestalts are constrained by their level of development but willingly cooperate to create a consensus reality. In the simplest terms, all is energy, energy is consciousness, and all cooperate for the development of all."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The introduction and preface for "Bridging Science and Spirit" is available on the web at:


The article quoted above can be found on the same web site.

In The "Unknown" Reality by Jane Roberts which was dictated by Seth in 1974-75, Seth claims that matter is made up of basic units of consciousness. Here are some key excerpts from Seth's explanation of this concept in The "Unknown" Reality:

Session 682

"So I prefer, here to speak of these units of consciousness instead. Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. These units can indeed appear in several places at once, and without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these basic units of consciousness can be in all places at once. They are in all places at once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear as something else.

Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of them in one atom--many millions. Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can move forward or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.

All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible universes created from these units. Therefore, there are realities in which the endless probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience grouped about that venture.

There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible within a moment have become realities within that framework."

Session 683

"Anything apparent to whatever degree in your system is developed in another.

The point of all this is that these units are unpredictable, and fulfill all probabilities of consciousness. Any concepts of gods or other beings that are based upon limited ideas of personhood will ultimately be futile. You view the fantastic variety of physical life--its animals, insects, birds, fish, man and all his works--with hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that the nature of consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn to think of an inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness, and change it to a degree. The present idea of the soul, you see, is a "primitive" idea that can scarcely begin to explain the creativity or reality from which mankind's being comes. You are multipersons. You exist in many times and places at once. You exist as one person, simultaneously. This does not deny the independence of the persons, but your inner reality straddles their reality, while it serves as a psychic world in which they can grow."

Session 695

"All probable selves are connected. They each influence one another. There is a natural interaction, but no coercion. Each probable self has its own free will and uniqueness. You can change your own experience in the probability that you know--which itself rides upon infinite other probabilities."

Session 733

"In your terms, the world is intensely different from one moment to another, with each smallest portion of consciousness choosing its reality from a field of infinite probabilities."


"The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive. It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus. . . The fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same."

Session 681

"You can choose to accept as your reality any number of given unpredictable events. In that respect, the choice is yours, but all the events you do not accept occur nevertheless."

Session 682

"All matter is based upon the units mentioned, with their unpredictability and their propensity for exploring all probabilities. Even your atomic structure, then, is poised between probabilities. If this is true, then obviously "you" are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself--and this portion you protect as your identity. If you think of it as simply a focus taken by "your" greater identity, then you will be able to follow what I am saying without feeling puny by contrast, or lost. The focus that you have is indeed inviolate.

I have often said that even in your lifetimes, all probable variations of any one event occur, but I never went much further. With your focus, it seems that you have a line of identity from birth to death. Looking back at any point, you are sure that the "self" of ten years ago is the self of today, though perhaps changed in certain respects.

There is, of course, no single-line kind of development at all. In the first place, as you know, your life is at once, though you experience, practically, a life-to-death sequence--Ruburt's living area in Adventures. Every probable event that could happen to you, happens."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Seth Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It is very clear from these quotes that Seth believes that there are an infinite number of probable selves and that they live in an infinite number of probable universes which share our Consciousness Units and which are as real in every way as the one each of us chooses to perceive.

Modern physics is draped all over certain very Seth like concepts. We are looking for the keystone to the bridge connecting physics and metaphysics. What are Seth's Consciousness Units in the "real world"? How do they relate to another Seth concept--Electromagnetic Energy units?

You can see the parallels between the proposed properties of these Consciousness Units and the properties of the material inside microtubules. Both theories propose that there is a substance in physical reality which is a connector between multiple universes and the physical universe which we know. What is it?

Such a substance would help explain the physics of the microtubule and would provide the bridge that physicists are looking for to "prove" the new theories on parallel universes and microtubules as a connection to consciousness. It might also provide a physical "mechanism" for psychic phenomena which can be thought of as a "hidden" connection between the individual and everything else.

The ancient yogins claimed that they could make themselves as large or as small as they wished. This would mean that they could "see" things at a cosmic scale or at an atomic scale. Is there any modern evidence to support this ancient belief?

In the late part of the last century, two yoga practitioners named Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater decided to develop their "yogic vision" in order to use it to examine the world of the atom. They claim that they developed this ability and that they developed a great deal of facility with it. They used this ability to examine and describe the atomic structure of all of the known physical elements. These descriptions were published in a book titled "Occult Chemistry".

Since the observations of Leadbeater and Besant were first published at the end of the last century, it would seem to be fairly easy to confirm the validity of their observation by examining how closely they conformed to modern atomic theory. This was first done in the early part of this century when the solar system model of the atom was state-of-the-art theory. Since Besant and Leadbeater's "observations" did not conform very closely to the then current model they were dismissed.

In the mid 1970s the work of Leadbeater and Besant was again examined by a modern physicist named Stephen M. Phillips. This time Phillips concluded that their "observations" fit quite closely with modern quark theory. Phillips published a book which describes his reasoning and conclusions. [Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks, by Stephen M. Phillips, PhD, 1980, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton IL, ISBN 0-8356-0227-3, US $15.00]

The abstract of a recent paper by Phillips on this subject is also available on the Web at:


So we have some indications that Besant and Leadbeater's observations are valid. Though they used different terms to describe the fundamental building blocks of subatomic particles, their description of these building blocks is compatible with modern concepts of "quantum foam" and also the Consciousness Units described by Seth.

The following description of these building blocks from Occult Chemistry was written by C. W. Leadbeater in 1907. Note the fractal and superstring connotations in this quote:

"To help us to understand more clearly let us examine the ultimate atom of the physical plane. (See Figs. 3 and 6.) It is composed of ten rings or wires, which lie side by side, but never touch one another. If one of these wires be taken away from the atom, and as it were untwisted from its peculiar spiral shape and laid out on a flat surface, it will be seen that it is a complete circle-a tightly twisted endless coil. This coil is itself a spiral containing 1,680 turns; it can be unwound. and it will then make a much larger circle. There are in each wire seven sets of such coils or spirillae, each finer than the preceding coil to which its axis lies at right angles. The process of unwinding them in succession may be continued until we have nothing but an enormous circle of the tiniest imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string. These dots are so inconceivably small that many millions of them are needed to make one ultimate physical atom. They appear to be the basis of all matter of which we at present know anything; astral. mental and buddhic atoms also are built of them, so we may regard them as the fundamental units of which all material atoms on any plane yet attainable are composed.

These units are all alike, spherical and absolutely simple in construction. Though they are the basis of all matter, they are not themselves matter; they are not blocks but bubbles. They do not resemble bubbles floating in the air, which consist of a thin film of water separating the air within them from the air outside, so that the film has both an outer and an inner surface. Their analogy is rather with the bubbles that we see rising in water, bubbles which may be said to have only one surface-that of the water which is pushed back by the confined air. Just as the bubbles are not water, but are precisely the spots from which water is absent, so these units are not koilon but the absence of koilon- the only spots where it is not-specks of nothingness floating in it, so to speak, for the interior of these space-bubbles is an absolute void to the highest power of vision that we can turn upon them.

What then is their real content-the tremendous force that can blow bubbles in a material of infinite density? What but the creative power of the Logos, the Breath which He breathes into the waters of space when He wills that manifestation shall commence? These infinitesimal bubbles are the "holes" which "Fohat digs in space"; the Logos Himself fills them, and holds them in existence against the pressure of the koilon because He Himself is in them. These units of force are the bricks which He uses in the building of His universe, and everything that we call matter, on however high or low a place it may be, is composed of these and so is divine in its very essence.

The Outbreathing which makes these bubbles is quite distinct from and long antecedent to the Three Outpourings which have been so frequently discussed in Theosophical literature; it is not even certain whether it is the work of the Solar Logos or of One a stage higher still, The later Outpourings whirl the bubbles into the various arrangements which we call the atoms of the several planes, and then aggregate those atoms into the molecules of the chemical elements.

Thus the worlds are gradually built up, but always out of this selfsame material which to us seems nothingness, and yet is divine power. It is indeed a veritable creation, a building of something out of nothing-of what we call matter out of a privation of matter."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

A drawing which accompanies this description is available on the Web at:


So, you might ask, has anyone used the tool of "yogic vision" or remote viewing to observe the keystone materials I wrote about earlier. Indeed they have. I know three such persons and have heard of others. Two of the people I know are electronic engineers and the third is a chemical engineer. All of them are using their "yogic" vision to inform their engineering work.

One of these electronic engineers has written a bit about Besant and Leadbeater's work and a bit more about his work with the keystone materials. You can find his paper on the web at:


Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure

I still have not described the keystone materials. There is an excellent description of these materials, and how to obtain them, on the web at:


Here is a portion of the introduction from that document:

In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some very strange materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land. Hudson spent several million dollars over the following decade figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange materials.

In 1989 David Hudson was granted patents on these materials and methods for obtaining them. Two of these patents can be found on the World Wide Web at:


Hudson's British Patent


Hudson's Australian Patent

During the early 1990s Hudson toured the United States giving lectures and workshops about what he had found. Transcripts of portions of three of David Hudson's lectures are available on the Web. The most complete of these transcripts is the transcript of his Dallas lecture and workshop. You can find this transcript on the Web at:


Hudson's Dallas Lecture and Workshop

The two other Hudson transcripts can be found at:


Hudson's Portland Lecture


Hudson's Portland Lecture


Hudson's Virginia Beach Lecture

Since ancient Egyptian times, alchemists have worked in secret to produce something called the Philosopher's Stone, or the Elixir of Life. The materials that Hudson and other researchers have found are believed to be related to the Philosopher's Stone. The materials have been called ORMEs, monoatomic gold, white gold, white powder gold, ORMUS, m-state, AuM, microclusters, and manna.

David Hudson calls the materials he found Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs. He also refers to them as monoatomic elements in a high-spin state.

Since Hudson has patented his process for obtaining and identifying these elements, we use the terms ORMUS and m-state when referring to this state of matter.

The ORMUS or m-state materials are thought to be the precious metal elements in a different atomic state. The following elements have been identified in this different state of matter (these elements, with the exception of mercury, are listed in Hudson's patents):


Element Atomic Number

Cobalt 27

Nickel 28

Copper 29

Ruthenium 44

Rhodium 45

Palladium 46

Silver 47

Osmium 76

Iridium 77

Platinum 78

Gold 79

Mercury 80

All of these m-state elements are abundant in sea water. According to David Hudson's discoveries, these elements in their m-state may be as much as 10,000 times more abundant than their metallic counterparts. There also may be other elements which occur naturally in the m-state.

Various researchers, working independently, have identified these materials in this different state of matter. They have arrived at many of the same observations.

These m-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation. It looks like these are an entirely new class of materials.

These m-state elements are also present in many biological systems. They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell.

It appears that this state of certain of these elements has been known throughout history. Several of the procedures for extracting or making ORMUS have been adapted from ancient alchemical texts. We believe that the Philosopher's Stone and the Biblical manna are both variations on this state of matter.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

In July of 1996 I contacted a Finnish physicist named Matti Pitkanen about the possibility of using his TGD theory to account for the observed properties of the ORME materials. We then embarked upon a three way correspondence between the author of the Paranormal Observations document, Matti Pitkanen and myself.

Matti developed a theoretical model which would account for the properties we observed in these materials. Matti has presented several papers related to these properties on his web site. Here is a sample of these papers:


Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems


Negentropy Maximization Principle and TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness


TGD:eish model for the EEG and generation of nerve pulse

There is clear evidence that the mining community is working with conversion processes which will allow them to convert the monatomic state of the platinum group elements to the metallic state of the same elements. A couple of examples of this evidence can be seen on the following web pages:



It looks like the ORMUS materials will provide the keystone for the bridge connecting physics and metaphysics. It looks like they will help us to understand and access multiple universes. It also looks like they may finally begin to provide an understanding of the link between matter, consciousness and All That Is.

The question of whether consciousness is generated by matter or matter is generated by consciousness is not a new question. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus commented on this question when he said:

"If the flesh has come into existence because of spirit, it is a marvel; but if spirit has come into existence because of the body it is a marvel of marvels. But I marvel at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

The JCS journal and email forum are supposed to represent a multidisciplinary effort to describe consciousness in the language of science. This effort has defined a "hard problem" but has not solved this hard problem. As I understand it, the "hard problem"-how does the conscious mind relate to the physical body-relates to figuring out the connecting system between consciousness and matter. The intent of this quest is to discover a material mechanism whereby mind can influence matter or alternatively to demonstrate conclusively that consciousness arises out of matter. In both of these cases the hidden assumption is that a materialistic/scientific viewpoint is most likely to produce useful results. I think that this cultural and linguistic bias may be limiting our problem solving options.

I have heard that Eskimos have dozens of words for snow. Because they have a linguistic/conceptual framework for differentiating between types of snow, they are capable of observing differences in snow which outsiders are not capable of observing.

Also people who learn a language past a certain age generally cannot hear differences in intonation in that language. It is generally thought that neural pathways for hearing those intonations must be established before the brain is "hardened" into its adult configuration.

While it is clear that the human brain is capable of learning new languages and the cultural beliefs which are encoded into these languages, it is not clear that this process can fully mature after a certain age.

Additionally much of our understanding of new languages is dependent on an understanding of the cultural underpinnings of that language. As an example of this, recently I asked a gentleman to tell me the difference between three translations of a Chinese document that I was interested in. He replied:

>Yes, there are three similar versions around; they are all in the book. to

>understand this one has to consider, that Chinese writing isn't in words,

>but in pictures. One can describe or interpret the same pictures in

>different ways, according to one's level of understanding (which is in this

>case not relevant, since it was the same person giving all three versions)

>and the levels of understanding, or the modes of understanding one might

>say, of the listeners (or readers).

Other languages of consciousness exist. Some of these languages represent centuries of accumulated experience by thousands of observers. It is an arrogant "modern" conceit to believe that science provides a better description of the nature of consciousness than these ancient mystical traditions.

Just because a concept originates from a "mystical" source does not mean that it is not testable with the scientific method. The language of yoga is full of references to physiological correlates to spiritual states. For example, the rise of the kundalini energy will trigger a ringing in the ears which is unlike a pathological tinnitus in several ways.

The yoga language of consciousness says when you get to this point in conscious development, look for this landmark; but always it is from the perspective of spirit rather than from the perspective of material science.

There used to be a clear distinction between the "hard" sciences like physics or chemistry and the "softer" sciences of psychology or sociology. As I recall, the crux of this distinction was that the "hard" sciences could produce definite measurements while the "softer" sciences were dependent on statistical measurements. Quantum physics with its dependence on statistical probability has all but erased this distinction.

I think that it is useful to learn other languages. Learning other languages of consciousness gives me other perspectives from which I can view and solve problems of consciousness.

We need to look deeper than the surface of religion to see the underlying unity of mystical thought. There are ways in which the mystic can inform the scientist but both must know a common language. As long as we maintain the ramparts of scientific superiority we will not fairly examine claims like those of the aboriginal Australians who maintain that they can merge their consciousness with a stream and allow that stream to carry their consciousness to the ocean so that they can see the lay of the land where the stream reaches the ocean.

The "hard problem" is only hard from the material point of view. If one is immersed in the spiritual point of view, it is clear that all of matter is the manifestation of spirit. How might a bilingual scientist/mystic go about examining such a hypothesis?

There is a phenomena which is quite common among the most innovative scientific thinkers but which has not been properly examined scientifically. Many scientists and inventors report that their new ideas sprang into their consciousness fully formed during an experience that is often described in terms which make it sound like an ecstatic religious epiphany.

I recently asked Jack Sarfatti about some concepts in the book "Space-Time and Beyond". He replied:

>I wrote much of that book which was a precognitive remote

>viewing of much of today's physics.

On one of his earlier web pages Sarfatti related a "psychic" experience which triggered one of his great epiphanies. I have been unable to find this web page on his reorganized site.

On his web page ( http://blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/me.html ) in a section titled "The great experiences" Matti Pitkanen relates an incredible experience which informed much of his TGD theory of consciousness. He writes:

"Later I realized that it was not necessary to write anything on this virtual monitor: I just made the question in my mind. This realization made me wonder whether this someone with whom I was discussing was really separate from me. Perhaps in some mysterious manner I am asking these questions from myself! So, perhaps I am in some sense really God myself or have just become a God. Perhaps we all are Gods! Loneliness had been the central element of my life and I somehow realized that Gods are probably very lonely beings. I asked if we are doomed to be always alone. The answer was oraclelike:'You are a God!(:-). The '(:-)' tries to express the amused tone of the answer. Only quite recently I realized that this what I experienced must be more or less identical with the Atman=Brahman experience of Eastern religions."

These "mystical" experiences seem to be quite common among physicists who are doing work on the bleeding edge.

These kinds of experiences should be open to scientific examination. How many great discoveries or theories were initiated by such an experience?

Jack Sarfatti and Matti Pitkanen both postulate that quantum coherence links microtubules within and between cells. Matti postulates that this quantum coherence also operates between space-time sheets and may be directly responsible for psychokinesis which is the direct control of matter by mind. In a May 1997 email Matti wrote:

Dear Barry,

Certain person claiming to have ability to do psychokinesis contacted me and he encouraged me to think about a possible TGD inspired model of psychokinesis. Although I have worked only less than week it seems that this will turn out to be a good question. As a matter of fact it seems that separate pieces of TGD inspired model of biosystem begin to fit together very nicely.

The key concept is what I call topological field quantization. Magnetic field in TGD decomposes into flux tubes parallel to the flux lines of field. These flux tubes are cylindrical surfaces with outer boundary. If one requires that there is no ordinary matter inside them one obtains hollow cylindrical flux tubes with opposite charged wormohole densities on the inner and outer surfaces of this cylindrical surface. Note that wormhole flux tubes involve always two spacetime sheets with opposite magnetic fluxes. Wormholes form a BE condensate and this topologically quantized magnetic field becomes quantum object of macroscopic size and a potential conscious being if TGD inspired theory of consciousness is correct!! Jim and other people seem to speak about White Gold almost as an conscious being: they might be right!

If PK-able person is able to control this kind of macroscopic field associated with his body then PK becomes possible by levitation in this field, provided the object is wormhole super conductor (recall that wormholes can give rise to super conductivity in which wormholes are charge carriers as well as ordinary electronic super conductivity). By changing voluntarily the quantized magnetic fluxes in flux lines of magnetic field PK-able person can control the magnetic field at will and thus create levitating force.

Actually also DNA inside cell could perform similar control of motion. In fact, the genetic code might be transcribed into the structure of the wormhole magnetic field surrounding DNA and this would make possible the translation of genetic code to biostructures. So called phantom DNA effect is in accordance with the hypothesis that DNA in presence of coherent light (created by microtubules by quantum antenna hypothesis!) gives rise to wormhole magnetic field. Wormhole magnetic fields might the key feature of biological systems behind coherent photons.

Matti Pitkanen has expanded this concept on his web site. In his paper there he writes:

The basic philosophy of the model is following. PK is not just some isolated exotic phenomenon but only a special case of the voluntary control of bodily motions, which we all routinely perform. The only difference is that the range of voluntary control extends over the boundaries of the body in case of PK. This leads to important conclusion: PK phenomena must involve classical long range fields, which give for biosystems spatial extension larger than what is visible (that is hands with which to grasp on external object!). According to TGD inspired theory of consciousness, cell and even DNA can be conscious and perform choices. Thus the model should also provide understanding about small scale biocontrol such as the (voluntary!) control of the motion of cell organelles performed by cell nucleus. A related problem is how genetic code is transformed into spatial structures during ontogeny and the idea that each DNA sequence corresponds to a characteristic classical field configuration, is attractive. Thus the model in question is not meant to be an ad hoc solution of a particular problem called PK but a general solution of several basic problems in biology.

Take a look at:


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Pitkanen's theory links consciousness, matter, God, the universe and everything. His theory is that superconducting ORMUS elements are present in the microtubules in every cell. These superconducting elements resonance connect with their counterparts in other cells generating a quantum coherence throughout the body.

They also form quantum connections through other space-time sheets to everything else in the universe (and beyond). Pitkanen alludes to this concept in his "Model for soul".


He writes:

"The simplest identification for the soul is as a cognitive representation of the system, which need not disappear in the death. Thus it should correspond to a spacetimesheet or a multi-sheeted spacetime, which is almost vacuum.

Soul should form a representation of itself and hence its moments of consciousness should correspond to self-perceptions. This is achieved if soul corresponds to a double-sheeted spacetime such that sheets are symmetry related. This means that they have the same p-adic prime p. The first sheet observes the second sheet and hence itself in the quantum jumps: Escher's hand drawing Escher's hand. [DNA:s double strand and double lipid layer of the cell membrane could form analogous self representations.]

The entangled quantum states associated with the spacetime sheets correspond most naturally to coherent photons and possibly coherent gravitons condensed on the two spacetime sheets. This is in accordance with the religious mytology, where light is in fundamental role and also with the fact that coherent light in the TGD based identification for the qualia corresponds to the visual sensory experience [TGD,qualia]."

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, I wrote the following to Matti:

Dear Matti,

In my last note to you, I wrote:

> Hudson postulates a connection with the infinite through the zero point. It

> is fairly obvious that a connection exists. Have you given any thought to

> the mechanism of this connection?

I hope that you can tie this into your theory. This is the factor that ties us to the infinite. It is the missing link that will strengthen any "unified field" theory of consciousness.

Look at your own "peak" experience where you had a:

"subjective experience of my brain and body growing larger in some abstract sense: I had the feeling of going to some higher level of existence."

This is not an uncommon experience among psychics and mystics. There are people who have developed a science of this sort of experience. Their science is as rigorous as yours is.

Mathematical reasoning is a tool that enables us to think certain thoughts. It is a language that allows language-based thinkers to share and work with certain ideas. There are many other ways to get to those ideas. Imagine that there is an object sitting in the middle of a room. You are looking at it from one side, I am looking at it from another and Gary is looking at it from a third side. If we all share our image of the object, we will each build a better interior model of it in our own interior modeling "language". The best interior model may be built by the person who knows several interior modeling modalities (languages).

Gary is a pragmatic American engineer who has learned the science of the mystic. He has explored the "higher level of existence" that you visited in your peak experience. He goes there every day. He can look at what we are trying to describe from an entirely different part of the room. He also knows a bit of your language, although he is not as fluent in it as you are.

Other mystics describe the same connection to the infinite (God if you prefer). Their descriptions match up. It is clear that they are speaking of observing the same object, though they too may have seen it from different sides. While it is not yet acceptable for physicists to speak in the language of mystics, it is useful for them to learn this language and the world that it describes, for this is the world that the physicist must describe next, if physics is to progress.

Matti replied:

I agree with this.


The ORMUS materials are abundantly present in brain tissue (5% by dry matter weight). People who are eating extra amounts of these materials report that their psychic abilities are enhanced. They also report that their body systems work better. There are many striking reports of various diseases responding to enhanced levels of these elements in the body. See:

http://www.subtleenergies.com/ORMUS/Health/health.htm#Specific Diseases

I have some personal experience with these materials. I have seen them levitate on a magnetic field. I have seen them "tunnel" out of sealed containers.

David Hudson has measured their disappearance from our space-time. This measurement is reported in his patent and a graph showing the total loss of weight in ORMUS iridium at 830 degrees Celsius is viewable at:


Various mining companies are extracting the ORMUS materials from the earth and converting them to their metallic state. References to this fact can be found at:


Links to relevant mining web sites are available from the same web page.

Another version of some of the above:

Seth talks about something he calls Consciousness Units (CU's) as being the fundamental basis of physical reality. These Consciousness Units, in turn, are components of something that Seth calls Electromagnetic Energy units (EE units). Here is what Seth says about the CU's in "The Unknown Reality":

Session 682

"So I prefer, here to speak of these units of consciousness instead. Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. These units can indeed appear in several places at once, and without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these basic units of consciousness can be in all places at once. They are in all places at once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear as something else.

Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of them in one atom--many millions. Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can move forward or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.

All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible universes created from these units. Therefore, there are realities in which the endless probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience grouped about that venture.

There are systems in which a moment, from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible within a moment have become realities within that framework."


These Consciousness Units have been given other names by other folks. The Indian spiritual master Shrii Shrii Anandamurti calls them microvita. See:


Between August 1895 and October 1933, Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the elements. Both of these individuals had previously awakened kundalini. They observed the structure of atomic and subatomic particles and noted that these particles were composed of a basic building block of matter which they called the anu. I believe that the anu would correspond to Seth's EE units.

One of my colleagues has also developed his third eye to the point where he has been able to make some observations of these subatomic structures. Here is his description of these things:

"If one takes an anu, and uses the Will to take it apart and completely dissociate it, this can be done, but as soon as the Will is released, the anu reforms again. It is like taking a piece of slinky spring, and unwinding it by stretching it out and pressing it flat on the floor with your hands. But as soon as you let go, it pops back. The individual anu are each (one discovers) direct force-aspect manifestations of a higher Will, which generates and sustains all the matter in the Universe. It is... in very fact, the "Force", which is with us. This Force originates from a dimension far higher than we (certainly, I) can reach while still clinging to corporeal form. When we try to conceive of the stupendous number of anu, throughout all matter of the visible galaxies, which are being held in existence in such manner, the extent and scope of that Will is truly mind numbing."


According to Leadbeater and Besant, these anu are further composed of much, much smaller units which they called koilon. I believe that the koilon would correspond to Seth's Consciousness Units and to the microvita.

The following excerpt from Occult Chemistry was written by C. W. Leadbeater in 1907. It describes the fractal structure of these subatomic particles in a time before the concept of fractals was postulated. Notice that there are also hints at superstring theory and the concept of quantum foam:

"To help us to understand more clearly let us examine the ultimate atom of the physical plane. (See Figs. 3 and 6.) It is composed of ten rings or wires, which lie side by side, but never touch one another. If one of these wires be taken away from the atom, and as it were untwisted from its peculiar spiral shape and laid out on a flat surface, it will be seen that it is a complete circle-a tightly twisted endless coil. This coil is itself a spiral containing 1,680 turns; it can be unwound. and it will then make a much larger circle. There are in each wire seven sets of such coils or spirillae, each finer than the preceding coil to which its axis lies at right angles. The process of unwinding them in succession may be continued until we have nothing but an enormous circle of the tiniest imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string. These dots are so inconceivably small that many millions of them are needed to make one ultimate physical atom. They appear to be the basis of all matter of which we at present know anything; astral. mental and buddhic atoms also are built of them, so we may regard them as the fundamental units of which all material atoms on any plane yet attainable are composed.

These units are all alike, spherical and absolutely simple in construction. Though they are the basis of all matter, they are not themselves matter; they are not blocks but bubbles. They do not resemble bubbles floating in the air, which consist of a thin film of water separating the air within them from the air outside, so that the film has both an outer and an inner surface. Their analogy is rather with the bubbles that we see rising in water, bubbles which may be said to have only one surface-that of the water which is pushed back by the confined air. Just as the bubbles are not water, but are precisely the spots from which water is absent, so these units are not koilon but the absence of koilon- the only spots where it is not-specks of nothingness floating in it. so to speak, for the interior of these space-bubbles is an absolute void to the highest power of vision that we can turn upon them.

What then is their real content-the tremendous force that can blow bubbles in a material of infinite density? What but the creative power of the Logos, the Breath which He breathes into the waters of space when He wills that manifestation shall commence? These infinitesimal bubbles are the "holes" which "Fohat digs in space"; the Logos Himself fills them, and holds them in existence against the pressure of the koilon because He Himself is in them. These units of force are the bricks which He uses in the building of His universe, and everything that we call matter, on however high or low a place it may be, is composed of these and so is divine in its very essence.

The Outbreathing which makes these bubbles is quite distinct from and long antecedent to the Three Outpourings which have been so frequently discussed in Theosophical literature; it is not even certain whether it is the work of the Solar Logos or of One a stage higher still, The later Outpourings whirl the bubbles into the various arrangements which we call the atoms of the severe,, planes, and then aggregate those atoms into the molecules of the chemical elements.

Thus the worlds are gradually built up, but always out of this selfsame material which to us seems nothingness, and yet is divine power. It is indeed a veritable creation, a building of something out of nothing-of what we call matter out of a privation of matter."


Leadbeater and Besant's observations have been largely confirmed by a modern physicist.

If you are interested in reading more on this subject you can find it at:

We believe that the ORMUS materials provide a window into the realm of the Consciousness Units. Some of their behavior sounds more like the behavior of living things than what we think of as inanimate matter. They have been observed to disappear from our universe under certain scientifically repeatable conditions. One of my colleagues says that it is like they have two legs in our universe and one leg in another except that sometimes they can be induced to have one leg in our universe and two in another.

There are many ways in which the ORMUS materials could be used to "prove" the concepts proposed by Seth and others.

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This is padding because I cannot get this FTP program to upload the entire file without some padding at the end like this. If you have any ideas about how to solve this problem contact me at sumro@zz.com

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This is padding because I cannot get this FTP program to upload the entire file without some padding at the end like this. If you have any ideas about how to solve this problem contact me at sumro@zz.com

This is padding because I cannot get this FTP program to upload the entire file without some padding at the end like this. If you have any ideas about how to solve this problem contact me at sumro@zz.com

This is padding because I cannot get this FTP program to upload the entire file without some padding at the end like this. If you have any ideas about how to solve this problem contact me at sumro@zz.com

This is padding because I cannot get this FTP program to upload the entire file without some padding at the end like this. If you have any ideas about how to solve this problem contact me at sumro@zz.com