More Hair

by David VanDerryt



I made an ormus cream and gave it to my mother who used it on her legs because she had age spots real bad. My dad bumped his head badly and mom decided to use the cream on his head. I didn't even know about it. After a week she was saying something like, "Your dad's hair is growing back...." I didn't pay her any mind until 2 weeks passed and my dad started saying, "Hurry up and make more hair tonic cream." (My mom had ran out) Then one day he was serious and he said, "My head is un-even...I have more hair on one side than the other.) I looked at his head and I saw a patch of hair growing where he was bald before. So I didn't make it to grow hair it just did.


Before on left – After on right


I don't know if I could ever reproduce what I did to "that" particular batch. However this much I know. I used Masada DSS I made a batch as normal with high intentions and used The Divine Name, Jonathan Goldman - Holy Harmony, and Miracle 528 HZ - Miracle MP3 for the musical intention. I used sacred geometry symbols which was the 64 tetrahedron metric (I think) or the octal-tetrahedron I can't remember but, I gave it attention 3 or more times a day. Saying words like love, gratitude, and peace. After 3 days I raised the pH to 12 and boiled. I then filtered through coffee filters and saved the water which passed through. I added water to the white precipitate and threw it into my compost pile. I took the water and brought the pH down to around 4. I then used that to make another batch. I repeated the process I just wrote except I didn't raise the pH to 12 and I heated gently. I wanted all the good stuff to stay in the precipitate. I saved the precipitate which was creamy and I used a coffee grinder (electric) and I ground some dead sea salt finely and added to the cream. I then added enough hand lotion to bind it up. That was it....Really it was kinda like doubling the batch without the mass.