Atlantis Rising Article


Quantum Alchemy

By Barry Carter


Ancient Knowledge

What if the ancients knew something very basic about our world that we don't know? What if the mystical materials spoken of in most of the world's religions were actual physical substances that one could obtain and work with?


The ancient Egyptians had their "shemanna" a white bread, which was offered as gold to the gods. The ancient Israelites had their "shew bread" and their "manna" which they kept in the Ark of the Covenant. The ancient Egyptians had the sacrament of the bread and wine, as did the early Christians.



An offering of "white bread" and wine to the gods.


Moses took the golden calf which the Israelites made for worship "and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it"; presumably in order to improve their spiritual connection.


The ancient Chinese alchemist Wei Po-yang wrote of the "Pill of Immortality" which is made of Huan Tan (Returned Medicine) an edible powder from gold. After one ingests Huan Tan "the complexion becomes rejuvenated, hoary hair regains its blackness, and new teeth grow where fallen ones used to be. If an old man, he will once more become a youth; if an old woman, she will regain her maidenhood."

Wei Po-yang the father of Chinese alchemy.


Hindu alchemists preferred to work with mercury. They "proved" that they had made the correct edible white powder of mercury by heating it to convert it to gold.


The alchemy of the middle ages is thought to have originated in Egypt and to have flourished in Persia before being brought to Europe after the Crusades. Artephius, an alchemist of the twelfth century, claimed in his alchemical treatise entitled The Secret Book that he had lived "for the space of a thousand years, or thereabouts, which has now passed over my head, since the time I was born to this day, through the alone goodness of God Almighty, by the use of this wonderful quintessence."


A French alchemist named Fulcanelli tells us in his book "Le Mystère des Cathédrales" how the secrets of alchemy were carved and concealed in the architecture of the great cathedrals. He is believed to have made the Philosopher's Stone helped by his study of these cathedrals.


[ I could provide an image from Fulcanelli's book for this position if it was okay in terms of copyright considerations and available space.]


If there is truth in these ancient stories the alchemical materials would have to be substances which are not easily detected with the tools of modern science. These substances would come from gold, mercury and the other precious metals but would not look like these elements using spectroscopy or modern chemical assay methods.


These substances would have an edible white powder form and an oil form that imparts healing and spiritual benefit.


Modern Discovery

In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some very strange materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land.  Hudson spent several million dollars over the following decade figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange materials. In 1989 David Hudson was granted patents on these materials and methods for obtaining them.


Other researchers were also making similar discoveries around this same time but Hudson was the first to get information out to the public about his discoveries. During the early 1990s Hudson toured the United States giving lectures and workshops about what he had found. Transcripts of portions of three of David Hudson's lectures are available on the Web. The most complete of these transcripts is the transcript of his Dallas lecture and workshop.


The materials that David Hudson discovered appear to be the alchemical materials I discussed in the first portion of this article and can be described using concepts of modern physics like superconductivity, quantum coherence and Bose-Einstein condensates.


These modern alchemical materials have been called ORMEs, monoatomic gold, white gold, white powder gold, ORMUS, m-state, AuM, microclusters, and manna. David Hudson calls the materials he found Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs.  He also refers to them as monoatomic elements in a high-spin state.


Since Hudson has patented his process for obtaining and identifying these elements, and since it has not been conclusively established whether these materials are monatomic, diatomic or something else, we recommend that the terms ORMUS and m-state be used when referring to these materials.


The ORMUS or m-state materials are thought to be the precious metal elements in a different atomic state. The following elements have been identified in this different state of matter (these elements, with the exception of mercury, are listed in Hudson's patents):





Atomic Number


























All of these m-state elements are quite abundant in seawater. They also seem to be present in most rock, plants, animals, fresh water and in the air. According to David Hudson's research, these elements in their m-state may be as much as 10,000 times more abundant than their metallic counterparts.  There also may be other elements that occur naturally in the m-state. It looks like these materials are a new form of matter which was previously unknown to science.


If we are to solidify the connection between ancient alchemy and ORMUS for modern science we have a lot of explaining to do. We have to explain why these materials are not known to modern science. We have to explain how these substances might fit into the world of quantum physics and other modern scientific theories. We also must explain what role they play in biological systems and in consciousness in such a way as to suggest how they may have facilitated longevity and spiritual connection for the ancients.


Stealth Atoms

David Hudson suggested that the ORMUS elements are "stealth atoms" which do not show up using normal wet chemistry or under common spectroscopic analysis. He claimed that he could make "pure nothing". In his first Dallas lecture David Hudson said:


"So, working within Cornell, we removed all of the iron, all the silica and all the aluminum from the sample.  We still had over 98 percent of the sample.  At this point he said, 'Dave, it analyzes to be nothing'."


David Hudson and other researchers have developed a theory to explain how this might happen. According to this theory the electrons around these atoms are all paired up with each other in what physicists call "Cooper pairs". Since these electrons are no longer available for electron bonding they will not react chemically in the same way as the metallic form of these elements. Basically they do not form compounds.


This also would explain why they do not show up under spectroscopy since most forms of spectroscopy require electron interaction.


ORMUS Quantum Theory

Various researchers, working independently, have identified these materials in this different state of matter. They have made many of the same observations. These m-state elements have been observed to exhibit the quantum physical behaviors of superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation.


All of these behaviors are associated with a phenomenon called quantum coherence. We suspect that quantum coherence in the body might explain many of the properties that the ancient alchemists claimed for these materials.


In order to better understand the ORMUS elements we need to take a look at ordinary water.


Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one part, but there's a third thing which makes it water and nobody knows what that is.

-- D.H. Lawrence


Double distilled water weighs more than water that is made by burning hydrogen in oxygen though science has not explained this discrepancy.


We believe that all natural water is more than just two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. There is something else, which enables water to change its structure. We have evidence that this "something else" is ORMUS.


The ORMUS elements appear to have the ability to initiate coherence in water and in biological systems that contain water. This means that changes to one water molecule in a glass of water will instantly transfer to all of the water molecules in that glass of water. (The same would be true of changes in any biological entity.)


It might help to think of ORMUS as a communication medium like the air, which carries sounds from a source to our ears. Where the air is denser the sound travels faster. If you have something as dense as steel, sound will travel faster than in the thickest air. This is why you can hear an oncoming train by putting your ear to the track long before you can hear it through the air.


Suppose there was a substance that was infinitely dense. Such a substance might carry information instantaneously.


Physicists have been "playing" with such materials but the versions that they are "playing" with require that they get a bunch of atoms to a temperature near absolute zero (absolute zero is the temperature at which all movement in an atom ceases). What happens is that they get the bunch of atoms to "condense" into a single common atomic state so that the entire bunch of atoms behaves as a single atom. They call this state of matter a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC).


One property of BECs would be that information would travel instantaneously throughout the entire BEC system. There is strong evidence that BECs occur in nature and that they are a part of biological systems. The phenomenon, which suggests that BECs are present in living organisms, is called "quantum coherence". (It occurs to me that quantum coherence might be a scientific term for love if love is the energy and knowledge that connects all things.)


Obviously, in this model, the whole transfer of information will become more effective as the density of the transfer medium (ORMUS) becomes greater.


Keep in mind that with air and railroad tracks we are talking about materials that transfer information (sound) at a definite rate. We can measure the speed of sound in the air or in steel. The ORMUS elements, on the other hand, appear to transfer information instantaneously. They are not limited to the speed of sound or light.


There appear to be other factors at work here too. I like to think of the ORMUS elements as having three legs. Two of these legs are in the physical world and one is in the spiritual world. When we concentrate the ORMUS it looks like we establish a better connection between the physical world and the non-physical (we can call it love or spirit).


The Bridge between Spirit and Matter?

The great physicist, David Bohm, postulated that the “explicate order” (reality as we know it) is the projection of the “implicate order” which could be thought of as a non-physical or spirit template for physical reality. This spirit template would require some physical mechanism to communicate with physical reality. It is like we have a conceptual bridge between spirit and matter but this bridge is missing a segment or keystone to make it clear to science.


Certain of the properties that have been observed in the ORMUS materials suggest that they might be the keystone in the bridge between spirit and matter. Chief among these properties would be non-locality (also known as being “everywhere at once” or omnipresence).


Quantum non-locality has been observed by physicists in other contexts. They claim that it is connected to quantum coherence. Superconductors and lasers are the best-known examples of quantum coherence.


Superconductivity is generally considered to be a property that requires extreme cold like the temperature of liquid nitrogen in order to manifest. In 1996 I videotaped some ORMUS gold powder levitating away from a magnet as I moved it under the powder. (A segment of this tape is available as an AVI file on the Internet.) The phenomenon that I videotaped is strong evidence for superconductivity at room temperature.


A Cell Phone for Every Cell

Here is how ORMUS and quantum coherence might work in the body. Imagine that every cell has a cell phone with a hard-wired phone to use as a backup if the batteries get depleted. The backup phone uses the nerves as wires but the cell phone communicates via quantum coherent antennas at superlight speed.


Now imagine that the cell phones in each person’s cells have batteries that are dead or almost dead and broken antennas. We postulate that the ORMUS elements can bring in energy to recharge the batteries because they provide a quantum coherent resonant antenna which picks up energy from the implicate order. These ORMUS antennas would, in effect, provide a direct, non-local connection to everywhere at once. This would provide an incredible communication system between all of the cells of the body and with the non-physical template.


If the ORMUS elements transduce more energy for the cell and provide an improved mode of communication in the body what might the consequences be?


It looks like the ORMUS materials must reach a certain concentration in order to bring each cell of the body under their umbrella of instant, coherent communication.  As this happens every system in the body seems to work better.


Certain tissues in the body are generally not considered to be easy to heal. The enamel and structure of the tooth is a case in point. Following are a couple of pictures of a broken tooth that repaired itself with the ingestion of ORMUS from magnetic trap water for 2 ½ months.




Broken tooth on left, fixed tooth on right.


We have also seen some evidence that plants are greatly benefited by supplementing them with ORMUS. We might see incredible improvements in agricultural productivity like the giant walnuts in the picture below.


The walnuts on the right were grown with ORMUS precipitate from Pacific Ocean water.

Ordinary walnuts on the left are shown for size comparison.



The tree on the right below was watered with ORMUS precipitate from Pacific Ocean water. The tree on the left was not. Both trees are in northern Washington State.



David Hudson claims that the ORMUS materials repair the DNA. Other researchers have noted that immune system indicators are boosted after ingesting ORMUS. One un-replicated study on white mice showed a doubling of T-cell count in four weeks.


ORMUS should benefit any disease condition that is related to damaged DNA or with the immune system. Anecdotal reports suggest that this is the case.


ORMUS and Spirit

Occasionally people report effects from the ingestion of ORMUS that might be considered to relate to spiritual benefit. Two or three people have reported kundalini energy changes subsequent to ORMUS ingestion.  Many people claim that ORMUS increases the nada, which is a sound in the head that is often associated with certain spiritual practices.


We must be careful to avoid making any generalized statements about these rare "spiritual" effects. Most of the people who report them have been doing spiritual disciplines like meditation or yoga for decades. Those who have had these experiences claim that ORMUS is not any kind of "enlightenment pill". Apparently you must still do the spiritual work. At best it seems to bump folks up a notch from wherever they are.



It seems as if the ORMUS materials and the concepts that they realize may explain many of the world's great mysteries. If only a small portion of what has been observed in this field proves to be replicable ORMUS will be the greatest scientific discovery in human history.


You can find out more about ORMUS on the Internet at:


Barry Carter has been researching the ORMUS materials since 1989. He has started dozens of local and international discussion lists on this subject. You can contact Barry at or by calling 541-523-3357.